

 haosunzhe 2014-12-25

Prepare For A Date. Always be prepared, works forthe boy scouts and it works for us. Follow Videojug'ssimple five-step guide to preparing for a date toensure you get that special someone! Ideal video foryour first date.


Step 1: Preparation


In the days before a date take time out to catch up with current events and hot topics. Theseare great conversation starters and you will be able to impress your date with yourknowledge. Try to remember as much as you can about previous conversations together soyou can follow up on them, be it a difficult project they were working on, or their best friendshair disaster.


Have a couple of funny stories or conversation pieces up your sleeve in case you need them.


Step 2: Presentation


If you look your best, you will project confidence. Set time aside for exercise in the daysbefore the date. Eat well and get plenty of early nights.


On the day itself bathe well and ensure you have clean hair and nails. You should smell good,but not overpowering. Avoid heavy perfumes and aftershaves, you date could be allergic.


Ladies, go easy on the make-up, aim for a natural but groomed look. If things go well he willeventually see you without make-up - and you will want him to recognize you at that point.


Have you outfit planned in advance. This way you won't have any last minute panics when yourealize you have a spaghetti stain down you favourite shirt. Make sure you are comfortable inwhat you are wearing, this will make it easier to relax.


Step 3: Attitude


Think positive. Your going out to enjoy yourself after all. Don't start worrying about whatdisasters could happen, that way they are far more likely to. If you are getting nervous, call agood friend, watch your favourite comedy show or listen to upbeat music. Focus on having funand you inevitably will.


Step 4: Timing


Be punctual. Give yourself plenty of time to get to your rendezvous. Keeping your date waitingwill kick things of on the wrong foot.


Step 5: Encourage Chivalry


When you are with your young gentleman, hold back a little as you approach the door, this willforce him to open it, then naturally hold it open for you. Remember to thank him demurely asyou go through.


When it comes to sitting down, use the same tactic. If he takes his chair without holding yoursout, stand just long enough for him to notice his mistake, then sit, keeping your kneestogether at all times of course. Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved youhave brushed over his embarrassment and won't forget again.


Step 6: Talk the talk


All your good work could come undone if your mouth runs away with you, a lady doesn'tdivulge too much about herself or talk coarsely about the latest sexual position. Only swear ifyou absolutely must, try replacing offensive words with words like "Drat", or "Heavens toBetsy".


Listen carefully and flatter him when appropriate. Never play dumb, if you don't agree with hisopinions say so, but with a smile as you state your reasons to curb getting drawn into anargument.


Don't slouch, fidget, or drink too much - it's not a good look.


7.Play hard to get.


In another odd turn of human behavior, a study in Psychological Science showed that womenfound a man more attractive when she wasn't sure how strongly he felt about her, asopposed to when she was certain he was very interested in her.


The study found that women started thinking about a man more when she was uncertain if hereally liked her or not. Then, she would conclude she liked him since she couldn't "get this guyout of her head."


Overall, the study suggested that if men hold back some of their feelings at the very beginning,and create some mystery, he'll be more likely to hook a member of the opposite sex.


8.Play dumb (but only if you're looking for a fling)


This one pains us to write. But ladies, if you're looking for a one-night stand, it's best to play itstupid.


In a study recently published in Evolution and Human Behavior, graduate students at theUniversity of Texas–Austin found that that men were most attracted to women who appeared"dimwitted- or immature," or "sleepy or intoxicated" for a one-night stand.

德州大学奥斯丁分校的研究生在《进化与人类行为》杂志上近期发表的研究发现,男人更喜欢那些看起来“笨笨的、单纯的” 或“昏昏欲睡醉酒的”女人们来玩一夜情。

Women who appeared quick-witted and lucid, on the other hand, were found less physicallyattractive.


Thankfully, the opposite was true when men were seeking long-term partners.




Ladies, a simple smile will help a guy find you more attractive.






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