语言:英语 网址:http://archrecord./Default.asp 类别:杂志期刊
美国著名建筑杂志 Architectural Record (建筑实录),由McGraw-Hill Construction(麦格劳希尔建筑信息公司)出版,月刊。
提供全球建筑业确实有用的信息,是专为建筑师而设计;内容包括建筑科技、新闻、重要讯息的研讨,如何设计并表现出完美的建筑风格标准等等。另外每期都有一个专门的主题报导,帮助您更加了解建筑师当初设计的理念与特色;Architectural Record拥有超过110年的专业内涵,是AIA(美国建筑师协会)所指定的杂志,同时也是从事建筑师、工程师和其它专业设计师必备的期刊。
引用 Architectural Record is an American monthly magazine dedicated to architecture and interior design, published by McGraw-Hill Construction in New York City. It is over 110 years old. While the magazine is aimed at professional architects and engineers with news, commentary, criticism and continuing education sections, it features numerous articles exploring cutting edge designs by leading architects with glossy photos and articles that are accessible to non-experts. The magazine holds a close relationship with the American Institute of Architects (AIA), notably through AIA Continuing Education sections offered in the magazine and on its website.