
英语新词:飞来拦路的ice missile(图)

 老五书斋555 2015-01-13
飞来拦路的ice missile飞来拦路的ice missile


  Ice missile is a chunk of ice that flies off the roof of a moving vehicle。


  Anyone who lives or drives regularly in one of the cold-weather states has probably observed the phenomenon: A massive chunk of ice becomes dislodged from the top of a truck or car up ahead and hurtles your way。


  "The slow-motion nightmare" is what Connecticut State Rep. Lawrence Cafero, a Republican from Norwalk, calls it。


  "You're driving in the center lane, a day or two after a snowstorm," he says. "Ice on vehicles is starting to melt. You're driving 60 mph, with cars on the left, cars on the right. All of a sudden, you see this sheet of ice do this Olympic dive off the top of a truck in front of you. You can't go left, you can't go right. You just pray to God it doesn't hit you."



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