[1]. 玛蒂尔达经常被父亲殴打。在楼梯口,莱昂借给她手帕擦鼻血。 ——(M)是一生都这般痛苦,还是只有在童年的时候? ——(L)一生都是这样。 ——(m)Is life always this hard.or is it just when you’re a kid? ——(l) Always like this. [2]. 玛蒂尔达求莱昂帮她杀了变态警察,莱昂不同意。 ——(L)杀了人之后所有的事情都会不同。你的生命会永远改变。你必须在睡觉的时候睁一支眼睛。 ——(M)我他妈的不管什么关于睡觉。莱昂。我只要爱或者死。 ——(L)我想死。 ——(l) Nothing’s the same after you’ve killd someone.You life is changed forever.You have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life. ——(m)I don’t gave a shit about sleeping.loen.I want love or death.That’s it. ——(l) I want death. [3]. 玛蒂尔达向莱昂给她的左轮手枪里上了三发子弹,指向自己的头。 ——(M)如果我赢了你要让我一辈子跟着你。 ——(L)如果你输了呢? ——(M)你自己去购物,像从前一样。 ——(L)你输定了。玛蒂尔达。(凭莱昂的杀手经验,他听得到子弹的位置) ——(m)If I win you keep me with you for life. ——(l) And if you lose? ——(m)Go shopping along,like before. ——(l) You’re gonna lose.Mathida. [4]. 玛蒂尔达问莱昂,如果我死了你会怎样?莱昂说,没什么。 ——(M)我希望你没有撒谎,莱昂。我真的希望你没有爱过。因如果你有那么一点点的爱我。我想下一分 钟你就会为你从没有说出口而后悔。我爱你,莱昂。 ——(m)I hope you’re not lying.leon.I really hope that deep down inside there’s no love in you.Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me.I think that in a few minutes you’ll regret you never said anything.I love you.leon. leon和Mathida的对话: —(m)Is life always this hard,or is it just when you’re a kid? —(l) Always like this. —(l) Nothing’s the same after you’ve killd someone.You life is changed forever.You have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life. —(m)I don’t gave a shit about sleeping.loen.I want love or death.That’s it. —(l) I want death. —(m)If I win you keep me with you for life. —(l) And if you lose? —(m)Go shopping along,like before. —(l) You’re gonna lose.Mathida. 人总是到临死的时候才觉得生命的可贵' he is not my father, he is my lover......(she use her deep eyes wathed the old man) no women,no kids.That's the law 你让我尝到了人生的乐趣 ---lien劝玛缔尔德逃生时 当你杀了人后你的一切就改变了 Leon,我想我爱上你了,这是我的初恋,你知道吗。 玛;人生好辛苦,还是长大了好,就不用这么辛苦了 莱;长大了也如此 M:里昂,我想我爱上你了。 L:。。。。。。 M:这是我的初恋,知道吗? L:你没经验知道这个是爱? M:因为我感觉到。 L:哪裏? M:在我肚子里。。它很温暖。。以前哪裏像是打了结。。现在没有了。 L:玛蒂达,我很高兴,你的肚子不痛了。。但那不代表任何事。 —finished grow up,It's just get older --to me ,It's opposite .I'm older enough ,Ineed time to grow up 我刚开始懂得人生的乐趣 我喜欢躺在床上睡觉 我有根了 …… 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。逃生时 M:里昂,这缺口你过不去。。我才刚好可以挤过去。 L:我们说过不准讨价还价。 M:不,我不要。 L:听我。。。 M:我不走。。。我不走。。。我不走。 L:听我说。。听我说。。 我们在一起就没机会。。我一个人就可办到。。相信我。 我情况很好。。玛蒂达。。我还有不少钱放在汤尼哪儿。 我们逃出去後可以一起离开。。只有我们。。好吗?。。快走。 M:不。。不。。你这样说是为了让我放心。。我不想失去你。。里昂。 L:你不会失去我。。。玛蒂达。。。 你使我嚐到生命的喜悦。。我想要快乐。。睡在床上。。有自己的根。 你不会再孤独。。。玛蒂达。 请走吧。。。快走。。。宝贝。。。 冷静点。。快走。。走。。我到汤尼那儿找你。。我会把他们都干掉。 一个小时候。。。汤尼家见。。。 我爱你。。。玛蒂达。。。 M:。。。。。我也爱你。。。里昂。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。结尾处 玛蒂达把里昂的盆栽种在了校园里。。。 M:我们在这 。。。很安全的。。。里昂。。。 1 我想我是爱上你了。 马蒂尔达:莱昂,我想我是爱上你了。 (莱昂把牛奶喷了一身。) 马:……不管怎么说,你对这还是挺在意的。真奇怪,恋爱时的那种感觉……这是我的初恋…… 莱昂:如果你从未恋爱过,你怎么知道这就是恋爱?这也许是友谊呢……或许是你对兄弟或者父亲的那 种感情……你怎么说得清? 马:因为我感觉到了。 莱昂:(不安)什么?在哪儿? 马:在这儿,在我的胃这儿……热乎乎的。我这儿原先有个结块……现在没了…… 莱昂:马蒂尔达,我……很高兴你的胃痛好了,可是这并不代表什么。 21I Think I'm Falling in Love with You. Mathilda:Leon, I think I'm falling in love with you. (Leon got milk everywhere.) M:...Anyway,this impressed you!It's strange,being in love...It's the first time for me... Leon: How do you know it's love,if you've never been in love before? ...It may be friendshi;...or the love you can have with a brother or a father...How can you know? Mathilda:...Because I feel it. Leon:(upset)Huh? Where? Mathilda: Here...in my stomach...It's hot. I always had a knot...No longer... Leon: Mathilda, I'm very happy you've got no more stomachache,but...this doesn't means anything. 2杀了人以后,一切都会不同了。 莱昂:马蒂尔达,在泥沙了人以后,一切都会变不同了,你的人生将会永远改变。你将永远无法把它抹 掉,无论是从你的记忆中还是从你的犯罪记录中……你再也不能像以前那样睡得安稳了,马蒂尔达。 马:如果你知道,莱昂……我在脑子里已经杀过1000个人了,可我还从未失眠。 莱昂:可是如果是你自己被杀了呢? (马蒂尔达不回答。) 莱昂:……那会怎样?谈论别人的死容易,可是轮到你自己呢?你不愿意讨论死亡,因为你想其他人一 样,你害怕死…… 莱昂:其实,正是这种对死亡的恐惧能使你活下去。因为怕死,你才活得更坚韧,你才能忍受难以忍受 的苦难。你可以身居陋室,谁在垃圾上。什么都比死和你对死的恐惧强。 莱昂:(停顿)……可是我,莱昂,我已经不再怕死了……(它们对视片刻。)克服这种恐惧需要很长 时间。但是一旦你克服了它,你就解脱了。也只有这时你才能好好的开始这份工作……因为你可以利用 别人的这种恐惧,将其玩弄于你的股掌间。因为“杀与被杀”只不过是文字而已……你明白吗? (马蒂尔达轻轻地点了点头。) 莱昂:你不能假充硬汉去当杀手,除非你已经克服了这种恐惧。在你克服了这种恐惧的那一天,而非在 此之前…… 2 Nothing Is The Same,After You Kill Someone. L:Mathilda, nothing is the same, after you kill someone. Your life changes forever. You'll can never cancel it, neither from your memory,nor from your criminal record...You'll never sleep again like before,Mathilda. M:If you knew,Leon...!I killed one thousand in my head...And this never disturbed my sleep. L:OK...And if it's you who gets killed? (Mathilda doesn't reply.) L:...Then?Talking about other people's death is easy,but what about yours?You don't like talking abou death because you're like everyone:you fear it... L:...Well,it's this fear that makes you live. It's because you fear death that you live with so much tenacity . It's because of it that you bear what's unbearable.You can live in a hovel,on lots of trash,everything is better than death and the fear you have of it. L:(Pause)But me...Leon...I don't fear it any more...(They look at each other for a moment.)It takes a lone time to lose it, this fear ,but once you lost it...You are free...And just then you can start working properly ...Because you can work on other people's fear,play with it...Because"kill or get killed"have become just words...Do you understand? (<athilda slightly nods yes.) L:...You can't pretend to make this job,until you get beyond this stage .The day you get free of this fear ...Not before... 3 你觉得生命可贵吗? 丹尼:特送外卖吗?让我猜猜看,是中国菜吗?还是泰国菜?我明白了,是意大利菜。你叫什么名字, 天使? 马:马蒂尔达。 丹尼:马蒂尔达,把你手上的袋子放到地下,好,现在我要你告诉我你对意大利菜知道多少。还有那做 菜的厨师是谁? 马:没有人指使我,使我自己要来的。 但你:这么说这是私人恩怨了?是吗?我究竟干下了什么对不起你的事呢? 马:你杀了我弟弟。 丹尼:真抱歉,你也想跟他去吗? 马:不! 但你:反正迟早都是一样。当你开始感觉到死亡可怕的时候,你就会觉得生命的可贵了。你觉得生命可 贵吗,亲爱的? 马:当然。 丹尼:好的,因为我不想夺去一个不要命的人的命。 3Do You Like Life? STANSFIELD:Spacial delivery?Let me guess. Chinese?Thai,maybe?I've got it.Italian food. What's your name ,angel? M:Mathilda. S:Mathilda.I want you to put the sack on the floor .Good.Now I want you to tell me everything you know Italian food.Don't forget the name of the chef who fixed it for me. M:Nobody sent me .I do business for myself. S:So this is something...personal,is it ?What filthy piece of shit..did I do now? M:You killed my brother. S:I'm sorry.And you wanna join him? M:No. S:It's always the same thing.It's when you start to become really afraid of death ... that you learn to appreciate life.Do you like life, sweetheart? M:Yes. S:That's good.Because I take no pleasure...in taking a life ...if it's from a person who doesn't care about it. 4你还有很多机会 莱昂:(温和的)马蒂尔达,让我独自呆一会儿,好吗?自从我遇到你之后,我的人生已经完全改变了 ,你知道吗?……我需要找回一点从前的字迹。 马:你所干得很危险,是吗? 莱昂:你还年轻,马蒂尔达。……你还有机会跳出这种生活。你不能放弃这种机会。你得保护它。人生 大有可为,还有许多别的职业…… 马:我只对两件事情感到兴趣:爱情和死亡。而此时此刻,我却一件也得不到! (莱昂试图向她解释,却是徒劳。) 莱昂:马蒂尔达,……人生确实还有很多别的事情可做。 马:是吗?真的?是什么?说吧,我听着呢。只要你能爱我,我就是世界最幸福的女人了。 莱昂:是的,我知道!可是眼下你还不是一个女人呀。所以,耐心点儿吧,我需要时间……你也一样。 你先长大。 马:我已经不再长大了,我只是在变老。 4 You Still Have Chances. L:(kind)Let me alone for a while,Mathilda,OK?My life changed sice I met you, you know?...Ihave to find back myself a little... M:Risky business,isn't it? L:...You're young , Mathilda... You still have a chance to get out. You can't give up this chance.You have to protect it . There's a lot of things to do in life , a lot of other jobs... M:There are just two things I'm interested in:love and death.For the moment,I have none of the two! (Leon Tries to reply,vainly.) L:Mathilda...There's equally a lot of other things! M:Huh , really ? What ? Come on , I'm waiting ! You've just to love me and I'll be the happiest woman around. L:Yeah, I know!But for the moment you're not yet a woman. So,be patient...I need time...And you too.You have to grow up. M:I don't grow up any more .I just get older. |