

 自定义1994 2015-03-04


走出低谷 bottom out

低位徘徊 hover at a low level

逆水行舟,不进则退 a boat that sails against the current will be pushed backward if it does not move forward

作出了规划 introduce its plan

额外增长 a growth above the trajectory

熨平经济波动 iron out volatility in the economy

治标不治本 it failed to address the root cause of the problem

周期性复苏 cyclical recovery

多哈回合谈判 Doha Round negotiations

非歧视 non-discriminatory

避免市场分割和贸易体系分化 prevent the global market from being carved up and avoid a fragmented trade system

总结..经验 take stock of the experience of

切实落实 effective implementation

'共同但有区别的责任'原则 the concept of 'Common but Differentiated Responsibilities'

'普适性'原则 the concept of 'universality'

执行方式 means of implementation

零关税准入 duty-free access

非常适时地 It is particularly timely that

区域内国家间的协同 the synergy among the countries in the region

坚定的合作伙伴 a committed partner

国际结算银行 the Bank for International Settlements

金融稳定委员会 the Financial Stability Board

在..之前 in advance of

专业意见 expertise

民事登记 civil registration

人口统计 vital statistics

刚刚起步 be nascent

水立方 water cube

相知相亲 understanding and amity

大海之阔,非一流之归也 The ocean is vast because it admits numerous rivers

富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家 a modem socialist country that is prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious

顺潮流者昌,逆潮流者亡 those who follow this trend will prosper, while those who go against it will perish

众人拾柴火焰高 many people adding fuel to the bonfire will raise its flame

中国发展绝不以牺牲别国利益为代价 China will never develop itself at the expense of others

信息化 IT application

共同、综合、合作、可持续的亚洲安全观 a new vision of Asian security featuring common security, comprehensive security, cooperative security and sustainable security

盯着太阳就不会被阴影困扰 Keep your eyes on the sun and you will not see the shadows

务实合作 result-oriented cooperation

扎深根基 its roots must strike deep in the soil

同舟共济的和睦邻居 harmonious neighbors who stick together in both good times and bad

同心而共济,始终如一,此君子之朋也 true friendship exists only when there is an abiding commitment to pursue common goals

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