
飞机上的那些奇葩事【Quora精选】(翻译中) (Quora 精选)

 未亮 2015-05-15
Q: Flight Attendants: What are the weirdest things flight attendants have seen in their line of duty? 空乘:你在工作中遇到最奇葩的事情是啥? Answered by Katerina Simms Katerina Simms的回答 See this thing here? 看到这玩意了吗? It's a sanitary liner. In other words, what many women use to catch blood when they have their periods. 这是卫生棉。换句话说,就是女性月经来潮时用以吸收经血的东西。 Well. I had a friend who worked as a flight attendant and she got into a mild argument with a guy who insisted on having EVERYTHING that was free or complimentary on the flight. He was highly annoying and constantly asked crew for stuff. If he saw someone next to him get something, he wanted it too. 额,我有个朋友是空乘。有一次,她和一个家伙发生了点小摩擦——航班免费或义务提供的任何东西他都要。他很讨厌,老是找乘务员要东西。一看到旁边谁拿了些什么,他也要什么。 At one point during the flight a lady asked for a sanitary pad to help her with an "emergency" situation. He insisted he should have one too—cos you know, it's free, right? 期间,一位女士找空乘要卫生护垫应付“紧急”状况。他也坚持要——因为你知道,这是免费的,不是吗? My friend tried to reason with him. I'm not sure if his English was 100%, because he insisted again and seemed to assume the pad was one of these...A sleep mask. 我朋友尽量跟他讲道理。我不确定他的英语是否很好,因为他再次坚持要,似乎认为卫生护垫是这些……眼罩的一种。 Upon receiving his sanitary pad he proceeded to peel the paper backing off and expose the sticky side; he stuck the thing over his eyes and soon afterwards fell asleep... 拿到卫生护垫后,他剥掉护垫背后的纸露出粘的一面,把东西贴到眼睛上,很快就睡着了。 THE END. 结束。

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