
Yoga asana rope wall installation - YouTube

 昵称23005746 2015-06-04
New construction installation at Balance Bethlehem, in historic Bethlehem New Hampshire.
This is the fourth generation and finally patented design by Karl Spaeth. This design is a long way from the version I did at Dennis Dean's Yoga Mandiram in Cardiff Ca. This design is based on simplicity, versatility and economy. Made from commonly available materials makes this wall system affordable. The patented design makes it incredibly strong and good looking, while affording a larger number of possibilities than other designs, due to an incredible amount of connection points. These mostly correlate to the major joints of the body , but can be added easily to accommodate people in your class of different height. Utilizing Geometry, Gravity and traction, I cannot think of a more powerfully effective and versatile yoga tool.
I acknowledge: 'Feel so Free', by Ivy is copywrited and administered by Warner Music Group. I love this song.

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