The analysis of advertisement Advertisement are existing at anywhere in our life.And I will introduce a advertisement of apple product,iphone 6,which was listed at September in 2014.This advertisement can be divided into two parts.One is one left,a sentence or an idiom,which conveys the characteristic ,the feature and the superiority of iphone 6,"bigger than bigger",is under the slogan.And the other part contains two mobile phone,which are the two type of this product.There is gorgeous and elaborate flower in the center of the screen,whose background is back.It looks dignified,magnanimous and exquisite .In the entire picture ,there are just appear three colors,white,black and violet.It is concise but not simpleness.As the rapid development of technology and mass information,the concept of concise will stand out in the crowd and gradually interiorize.Thus,the objective of this advertisement are clear at a glance. |
来自: 昵称22816817 > 《Media Literacy》