
波比(Burpee)/运动和比萨(Pizza)/热量的对决: Calories Burned Doing Burpees | POPSUGAR Fitness

 Cheers! 2015-07-09
Burpee:高强度、短时间的燃烧脂肪、心跳率飙升的无氧运动:结合了深蹲(Squat)、俯卧撑(Push-Ups)及跳跃(Jump)一连串的动 作,在短时间内会将心跳率拉升到将近人体最大值。Burpee会训练到全身百分之70以上的肌肉群,包含核心肌群、脚、手臂、腹部、臀部及背部等,除了训 练肌耐力、弹性、活动性外,它对于心肺适能的训练也非常的有帮助。
--  http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3331401543


Calories Burned Doing Burpees

Is It Worth That Many Burpees?


We all need to indulge a little and satisfy our cravings, but sometimes when you try to eat a tiny square of dark chocolate, you end up inhaling the entire bar! Now imagine if instead of calorie counts on labels, packages or menus listed the number of burpees it took to work off a serving. Yikes! Out of extreme curiosity, I did the legwork and figured it out for you. Don't hate me. As downright depressing as it is to see the amounts, it might make you think twice before grabbing another slice of pizza.

Let's say that for one minute of basic burpees done correctly (most people do between 10 and 20), it burns an average of 10 calories. Check out the stats below. They're not meant to make you cry cringe but are just good to keep in the back of your mind if you're trying to lose weight.


  • Slice of pepperoni pizza 一牙比萨 (298 calories): 30 minutes of burpees
  • Cheeseburger 一个奶酪汉堡 (423 calories): 42 minutes and 20 seconds of burpees
  • Medium-sized McDonald's french fries 一杯中等的炸薯条 (380 calories): 38 minutes of burpees
  • Grilled cheese 烤奶酪 (580 calories): 58 minutes of burpees
  • Homemade chocolate chip cookie 巧克力饼干 (89 calories): 9 minutes of burpees
  • Red velvet cupcake  纸托蛋糕 (496 calories): 50 minutes of burpees
  • Half a cup of vanilla ice cream 半杯香草冰激凌 (230 calories): 23 minutes of burpees
  • Half a bar of dark chocolate 半根黑巧克力 (300 calories): 30 minutes of burpees
  • 5-ounce glass of red wine  一杯5盎司红葡萄酒 (115 calories): 11 minutes and 30 seconds of burpees
  • 12-ounce bottle of beer (150 calories): 15 minutes of burpees
  • 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola 12盎司一听可口可乐 (143 calories): 14 minutes and 20 seconds of burpees
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Anna Monette Roberts

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