

 昵称253074 2015-09-14

该附录【恩格斯:《 <英国工人阶级状况>美国版附录》】是恩格斯自己用英文写的,因此英文版是作者原文。我先引有关英文原文,再解释。 

'..great stress is laid on the dictum that Communism is not a mere party doctrine of the working class, but a theory compassing the emancipation of society at large, including the Capitalist class,  from its present narrow conditions. This is true enough in the abstract, but absolutely useless, and worse, in practice. So long as the wealthy classes not only do not feel the want of any emancipation, but strenuously oppose the self-emancipation of the working class, so long the social revolution will have to be prepared and fought out by the working class alone.' 



'The French bourgeois of 1789, too, declared the emancipation of the bourgeoisie to be the emancipation of the whole human race; but the nobility and clergy would not see it; the proposition -- though for the time being, with respect to feudalism, an abstract historical truth -- soon became a mere sentimentalism, and disappeared from view altogether in the fire of the revolutionary struggle. And to-day, the very people who, from the impartiality of their 'superior stand-point' preach to the workers a Socialism soaring high above their class interests and class struggles, and tending to reconcile in a higher humanity the interests of both the contending classes -- these people are either neophytes, who have still to learn a great deal, or they are the worst enemies of the workers -- wolves in sheeps' clothing.' 

意思是: 1789 年的法国资产阶级革命也曾宣布资产阶级的解放就是全人类的解放。然而,贵族和教会看不到这一点 (尽管当时这对封建主义来说是一种历史的抽象),这种说法很快就成为一种煽情而已,在革命斗争的烈火中完全消失了。如今,如果有人从不偏不倚的高姿态向工人宣传一种超越工人的阶级利益和阶级斗争的社会主义,宣传一种要从更高的人性上调和两个对抗阶级的利益的社会主义,那么,这种人或者是还需要好好学习的幼稚者,或者是工人的最恶劣的敌人--披着羊皮的狼。 




恩格斯:《 <英国工人阶级状况>美国版附录》的官方中译文可见《马克思恩格斯全集》第 21 卷第 297 页。】

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