

 卡娅珠宝 2015-10-06


Once in a beautiful meadow a lovely lily bloomed. It was very early in the morning, near the sun rise. A cool wind was blowing all over the meadow and fondling the lawns' tresses. The wind gently touched the lily's face and said quietly "Open your eyes dear and look at the beautiful world. It is the beginning of your lovely life, don't miss it", and passed. The lily opened her eyes slowly. "Wow! What a beautiful scene!" The sun was rising up. The horizon was orange and red. As the wind was welcoming the sun all the grasses bowed to say 'Hello' to her. "Hi Lily, this is your splendid morning", the sound came from behind. The lily turned and saw a very old tree there. It was very thick but it didn't have many leaves. Most of his branches were dry. There was a deep and long scratch on it but still he was standing. He continued: "You are really beautiful, child". "What's your name?" the lily asked. "My name's Willow. Everybody call me Old Wil, you can call me that too." "Do you know everybody in this meadow?" "Yes, of course. I know everybody in this meadow. Oh look, the sun is up. What a pity you didn't see the sunrise". "Don't worry, you will see it tomorrow morning." A grasshopper lived in the tree. He was talkative, a meddler, and pleasure-seeking insect. He heard their conversation and jumped out of the tree and sat on one of the lily's leaves and said: "But there is no tomorrow for you, lilies just live for one day. God gives you beauty, a good scent and . . .a short life." Poor Lily, she was afraid. She looked at the willow and asked with a shaking voice: "Is that right? He is lying, isn't he?" The willow said: "What is the good of a long life? Look at me. What do you see? An old tree without leaves. I live long but I also see floods, drought, and storms. Look at this scratch where lightning hit me. I have lost many of my friends. It is very hard. Imagine what it is like to be me. Everyone has their own beauty. You are very lucky, because you can reach the peak of perfection soon. But for me it will take a long time. Enjoy your life. Laugh, shine, spread your scent, be a friend, be kind, and make the most of your opportunities. Life opens her arms for you." The lily became calm and after a few minutes, smiled. She looked around and said: "You're right. Thank you Wil." The grasshopper jumped away. He was a simple creature and didn't understand what Wil said. At that moment two butterflies were flying nearby. They saw the lily and landed on it. They drank her honey dew and flew away and took her pollen with them. A few weeks later, very early in the morning another beautiful lily opened her eyes.

Who Is Stronger?
Once upon a time there were two men who were very strong. One of them was very kind and was loved because he helped people. But the other one only thought of himself. One day there was a competition in the city for the strongest person. It was very hard and many people failed. At the end of the competition, these two men remained. Both of them were strong and it was hard to say who was stronger. The last test was for each man throw a feather to the other side of a nearby wall. The selfish man laughed and said "it is very easy". He took the feather in his fingers, gathered his power and threw it. But it didn't go to the other side of the wall. He tried several times but he wasn't successful and became tired. The kind man took the feather, looked at it and then to the wall. He thought for a second, turned to the wall, put the feather on his palm and blew it. The feather slowly flew in the air and went to the other side of the wall. People clapped and could easily see that the stronger man is the one who first uses his mind.

Anita's Story
Anita was sitting alone on a bench on a corner of the school playground. It was a beautiful spring day. Little birds were flying in the sunny sky and singing happily. Some sparrows were quarreling among the branches of the pine tree next to the school and making a lot of noise. Children were playing and shouting in the playground. Everyone was happy except Anita! She was sad and bored. Miss Nightingale, her teacher, was walking in the playground and looking after the children. Then she saw Anita, went towards her and sat beside her. " Why are you alone?" She asked. "Why don't you play?" Anita replied, "I'm bored, because I can't find anything interesting to do." Her teacher said "Then find your interest." Anita wondered "How?" " By looking closer at the things that are around you or by asking people about their interests." her teacher replied. For a few days Anita asked others about their interests but didn't find them interesting. She was disappointed. She became tired and went to her room. Her mother and father were worried. They tried to help her, but they couldn't. She sat on her chair and looked out of the window. Suddenly something hit the window. She said to herself "What's this?" She opened the window and found a little sparrow at the edge of the window. It was frightened. She took it in her hands. The little sparrow was shaking and it's heart beat fast. She ran to her mom and dad and told them what had happened. She asked them if she could keep the sparrow and they said yes. She looked after the little bird and fed it. She took a box, filled it with cotton wool, and made a soft net. After a week passed, Anita let the sparrow go. When it flew away into the blue sky, she was happy! Why? Because, she finally found her interest. Yes, she was interested in animals. From that day she started to learn more about animals by going to zoos and museums. She was not bored anymore! And do you know what she wants to be in the future?!... Yes, you're right! She wants to be a vet or zoologist! So let's wish her good luck and all the other people in the world who have found their true interests.

The Unhappy Frog
Once there was a beautiful pond in the shade of a very big weeping willow tree. It was surrounded by beautiful flowers and green grasses. When the wind blew, the weeping willow's branches started to dance and the scent of flowers and the grasses spread out every where. Lots of animals and insects were living in or near this pond. Rabbits, sparrows, fish, butterflies, dragonflies, and a little green frog. His name was Toddy. Yes! Our story is about him. Nobody knew how he came to be there, not even him. He just knew that he was born in that pond and he was alone. Toddy was very kind and all the animals and insects loved him. But suddenly he was faced with a big problem. He lost his belief in himself. When did it start? I'll tell you. It started when he became a young frog. He was once very happy with lots of friends. He played with all the animals and insects that lived in or near the pond. The world was very beautiful. But one day everything changed! It was close to spring and Toddy woke up from a long sleep (As you know frogs are cold - blooded and sleep during winters). He was very excited. He knew about metamorphosis and had seen how silkworms change to beautiful butterflies and he knew that frogs are metamorphic too. He learned that from Jito the oldest fish of the pond. He waited a long time for this day. As he jumped towards the water his heart was beating very fast. He sat on a peony and looking down into the water. "No!" he shouted. "What an ugly creature! Oh, no! What an unpleasant voice!" And you can guess the rest! From that day on he became sad and unhappy. He just sat under the shade of the flowers and cried. His friends were very worried about him and tried to help, but they couldn't. One moonlit night when all the animals and insects were asleep, Toddy was awake. He was gloomy and cheerless. Suddenly he started to croak from the depth of his heart. That day a family had come near the pond for picnic. They were sitting outside of their tent and were silently looking at the full moon. They heard Toddy and were impressed with his voice. The daughter of the family said "What a beautiful sound! It's a frog. Isn't it, daddy?" Her father said "Yes". "It's near us. Let's bring a torch and find it." Then she went and came back with a torch. It didn't take them much time to find Toddy. "Oh, father! What a beautiful creature! Look at its beautiful color. I love it's croak. " Toddy was surprised. He thought, "Are they speaking about me? It's impossible!" He stopped croaking and gave them a puzzled look. The little girl continued "croak, croak beautiful frog, please!" The next day Toddy's friends found him happy! Finally he believed in himself and learned that appearance is not important. Ability and skill are really the most important parts of everyone's life. What are your special gifts?

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