

 昵称22998329 2015-11-09

所有的英语学习者,只要将来所从事的职业是跟英语应用相关的,基本上都会接触到法律文本,比如合同。在法律文本中,经常出现许多我们日常看不到,或者很少见的表达,比如herein, hereof, hereto, thereto, hereupon, thereon, thereof, hereof, whereof, whereby, hereunder等表达。一般来说,这些词都是由here, there, where三个表达加上特定的介词合成的,如by, in, of, after, to, on/upon, with, under等。


先看例句1,这句话摘自一个“不可抗力”(force majeure)条款:

The affected party shall notify the other Party without delay, and, within 15 days thereafter, provide detailed information regarding the force majeure event and sufficient proof thereof.

这里的sufficient proof thereof就相当于sufficient proof of the force majeure event. 翻译成汉语,这句话便是:受影响的一方应立即通知另一方,并在此后的十五日之内,提供不可抗力事件的详情和足够的证明材料。


All other obligations under this Agreement and the time for performance thereof shall not be affected thereby.

这里的performance thereof相当于performance of all other obligations under this Agreement。这句话翻译为中文为:本协议规定的其他义务及其履行时间不受此(不可抗力事件)影响。


Unless otherwise provided for herein, failure or delay on the part of any party to exercise any right or power under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver thereof

这里的a waiver thereof相当于a waiver of any right or power,翻译成中文便是:除非本协议另有规定,任何一方未能或延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利或权力,不应视为其对该权利或权力的放弃。


If the Licensee becomes aware that any other firm alleges that the Licensed Trademark is invalid or that use of the Licensed Trademark infringes any rights of a third party, the Licensee shall immediately give the Licensor in writing full particulars thereof and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof.

第一个particulars(详情)thereof的意思即为particulars of the allegation that…(即上文的侵权行为),in respect thereof即相当于in respect of the allegation that…





在这句话中,第一个“本协议任何条款”可以处理为any provision of this Agreement,第二个“本协议其余条款” 则可以处理为“any other provision thereof”. 完整译文为:

Any provision of this Agreement that has been held by any court of competent jurisdiction as unlawful, invalid or unenforceable shall not affect in any way the validity and enforceability of any other provision thereof.



这句话中的“本协议的任何条款”也可以处理为“any provision thereof”。完整译文为:

The two parties shall hold this Agreement in confidence and shall not disclose any provision thereof to any other organization, unless such disclosure is required by a court, a security exchange or a government body.

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