

 张凯淇123 2015-11-12

Unit 5 part B 教学设计

Unit 5 How much is it?


一.    律动(ten little Indian boys 两遍。

二.    打招呼问候:what’s the weather like today?; How much is your coat/shoes/pants?…… /what color is it ? / what color are they ? / Do you like it ? /Do you like them ? good give me five/ six ……).

三.    1.Yesterday .I went to a shoes shop. It’s very beautiful and there are many shoes in it. OK look at this shoes shop ,what can you see in the picture?(what colour are they)Do you know what are they? Yes. They are boots.  Boots, what’s meaning? (靴子) OK read after me boots boots they are boots (用升降调读)。自然拼读 B B 啵啵啵…… this group one two( 四个小组读) .who can make a setence use boots ?(I like the boots, I have a pair of boots. I want a pair of boots.板书写这句) (强调a pair of 的读法)

2I usually wear my slippers at home .Do you know slippers Yes. they are slippers( 出示拖鞋的图片)Read after me slippers slippers  they are slippers(升降调读)you two please read it.(两人两人的读).who can make a sentence use slippers?(I want a pair of slippers)OK now let’s make a dialogue this woman she is the saleswoman (她是售货员) this boy ,he is the customer (顾客)现在我们一个是售货员 一个是顾客。售货员先说“Can I help you ?( 写板书,领读两遍) 顾客说 I want a pair of ……教师用唐老鸭和米老鼠的头饰找人师范。然后找同学表演对话。鼓励 good good very good .给粘贴奖励。

3.today is very hot(教师做热的动作)so I wear my sandlas Do you know sandals what’s meaning?( 学生:凉鞋).yes read after me sandals sandals .they are sandals (一排一排的读,横排) .放到句子里练习读。大小声练习,看口型猜单词。

4.(叫一名穿布鞋的同学出来)look at his shoes Do you know what are they? Yes they are sneakers .(学习并操练sneakers)游戏哪个单词丢失了操练。并个小组奖励。

四.整体巩固单词,读单词 放到句子里读。

五.课堂练习 对话形式

    A Can I help you ?

    B: I want a pair of ……

    AWhat colour do you like?

    B: blue how much is it?

    A; it’s 45.

    B: yes it’s cheap. thank you bye.

    A: bye!( 写在小黑板上)

六:let’s do

教师播放两遍let’s do 的录音。让学生跟做。然后边做动作边做。

. homework





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