Nutrition & Metabolic DiseasesPhysiology & Behavior:食物摄入时间与肥胖134:44-50, published July 2014 近来的研究显示能量调节在行为、生理和分子水平上与生物钟有关,食物摄入时间可能对肥胖有重要作用。 这项研究表明进食时间与体重调节有关,不规律的进食时间可能打乱生物钟系统,对人的健康产生不良后果。 原文:Timing of food intake and obesity: A novel associationRecent studies link energy regulation to the circadian clock at the behavioral, physiological and molecular levels, emphasizing that the timing of food intake itself may have a significant role in obesity. In this regards, there is emerging literature in animals demonstrating a relationship between the timing of feeding and weight regulation. Unusual feeding time can produce a disruption of the circadian system which might produce unhealthy consequences in humans.