
How to Join a Conversation Without Being Awkward

 Hyksos 2015-11-27
Feel Good About Yourself
Be Yourself
The only person we get to be in our lives is us. If we can't like ourselves for who we are, how can we expect anyone else to? Accepting who we are, loving ourselves, and embracing our quirks literally liberates us of our inhibitions, and helps us become a more confident individual.
Right Body Language
Begin With a Smile
Your smile is the best ice breaker; flash that gorgeous smile of yours accompanied by a nod to the people present in a group. Look receptive and genuinely interested.
Right Approach
While striking up a conversation, the right approach is the key. Perhaps, the most important factor in approaching a group is about how receptive it is. Certain body languages, in such cases, are the cues you need to look out for.
Approach A Closed Group If you Know Someone
If the members of a group stand in such a way that their toes point towards each other, and their backs are towards you, only approach if you know someone in the group.
Approach A Person That is Not Engrossed in a Conversation
In a group that doesn't seem very receptive, you could strike up a conversation with one person who doesn't seem very interested in the ongoing topic, and slowly make your way into the group. Another way is to strike up a conversation with a member of the group while he/she is away from the group. A handy tip would be not to do that when the person is scrambling his way to the johns.
Just Pitch in to Join an Open Group
In a group open to other people, the members seem more spaced out, usually looking into the crowd occasionally during such conversations. You could casually introduce yourself or join in on something by saying, "I couldn't help but notice that you were talking about..." .
Ask Open-Ended Questions
Listen attentively and give your inputs about the topic, if any. If you aren't a very good conversationalist, ask many open-ended questions, and listen to what people have to say.
I think racism is still prevalent in our society today.--Avoid Controversial Topics
Keep the conversation light, don't go too deep too soon, and avoid bringing up controversial topics.
I think it'd be great if Mel and Joe just tried to pitch in a little...blah blah blah--Give Others a Chance to Speak
Make sure you don't do all the talking, and try not to cut in when someone else is saying something.
No, Aunt Marge Makes the best lasagna ever! Do you remember the time we visited her?--Avoid talking to only one person
Don't limit yourself to only one person in the group. Also, make frequent eye contact with members of the group while talking.
Did I hear a pin drop?-Diffuse Awkward Situations
If there happens to be an awkward silence, defuse the situation with a little humor, or by addressing the awkwardness of the situation and laughing it off.
Quit Harping About Yourself
Be who you are, and don't try too hard to impress others.
We totally understanding how intimidating it can get when you have to take the initiative to join a conversation. These pointers will definitely be of help; all you need to do is to be confident and practice.

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