Nonetheless, according to financial experts you will never be rich if you are bogged down by anything on the following list: 理财专家表示如果你有下列坏习惯,那么你就富不起来:
1. Overspending 过度消费 If you have a ferocious appetite for spending beyond your means, you’re not alone. According to a survey, of the 52% of people who habitually overspend, many balance the shortfall by taking from their savings, and 22% rely on credit cards. Blowing all your money each month is not a realistic pathway to wealth. 很多人消费欲望强烈,常常入不敷出。据一项调查显示,52%的人已养成过度消费的习惯,其中许多人动用存款平衡收支,还有22%的人对信用卡产生依赖。每个月浪费掉你所有的钱,你怎么能富裕的起来呢。
2. Not Saving Enough 储蓄不足 Start with an emergency fund. Once your emergency fund is substantial, you can redirect small amounts toward other goals like purchasing a home or paying for college. 先设立应急基金。当应急基金存够了以后,你可以花一小部分钱用作他途,比如买房子或者付大学学费。
3. You Have Too Much Debt 负债累累 Certain debts are a precursor to financial success, like purchasing real estate or starting a business; however, a high-interest credit card balance is not. Pay off credit cards with the highest rates first. 某些负债会带来成功,比如说买地产或创业;但高利率的信用卡债务绝对是个灾难。先还清利率最高的信用卡吧。
4. You Don’t Have a Plan 缺乏计划
5. You Don’t Have an Emergency Fund 无应急基金 Experts say you need at least six months of income saved in case of an emergency. Life is tricky, and not having some type of safety net can turn a comfortable situation into a disaster. 专家表示每个人至少需要半年工资收入作为应急基金。毕竟,生活没有一帆风顺,缺乏相关安全保障有时也会将安逸顺境转为苦难逆境。
6. You Started Late 起步较晚
7. You Complain Rather Than Commit 光说不练 Stop complaining and making excuses. Instead, take responsibility for your non-productive habits and concentrate on how to change them – and then do it! 那么,不再抱怨,不再寻求借口。而应该为自己无用的习惯买单,专注于如何改变他们,且说到做到!
8. You Live for Today, and Forget About Tomorrow 不话当下,只论明天 It’s no fun getting serious and thinking about retirement and all that stuff. Nonetheless, eventually it has to be done. The problem is that impulsive and unregulated spending leads to debt… period! 认真思考退休生活等类似事情,毫无乐趣。但是,你还是会这么想。原因在于冲动无节制的开销导致了负债生活没有终日!
9. Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket 把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里 Your investment portfolio should include multiple investments with varied levels of risk and ROI potential and liquidity. 投资组合应该搭配不同风险,回报率、流动性均不一的多种形式投资。
10. You Just Don’t Get It! 就是不明白 Yes, life is uncertain. No one knows what will, or will not, actually happen; therefore, why not focus on what you can control today? Get it together now and save yourself, in case someone or something else won’t. 生活无常,没有人知道将来会发生,不会发生什么;因此,为什么不集中精力做你今天能做到的呢?如果没有人或事帮你的话,那就打起精神,帮帮自己吧。
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