
Do You Have to Go to Office Hours?

 凡乐仙人居 2015-12-09

I was an adjunct professor for a while at two Bay Area law schools. One of the things that shocked me was how few students would come to my office hours. I wondered, “Is it me? Do they not want to talk to me?” So I asked other professor friends. Did students regularly come to office hours? And many of them said no and that they felt by not meeting with them in office hours students really missed out on an opportunity.

Some students would go the entire semester without visiting a professor. Is this a good idea? I would argue, no, it is not a good idea. And here is why.

Professors Teach Your Class, Write Your Exams, and Grade Your Exams.

Professors are absolutely the best ones to talk to about the substantive law covered in your classes and how to apply that to a fact pattern. They will not only be writing your exams but also grading them. They are the experts in what will be on your exams. It is amazing to me the valuable nuggets that professors hand out during office hours; these can be critical to doing well.

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But students often miss out on this opportunity to learn more, because they just don’t want to go meet with their professors. This is foolish! A thirty-minute meeting with a professor could have a positive impact on your final exam grade.

If You Are Struggling Academically, Office Hours Should Be Your First Stop.

I frequently talk with (and tutor) students who are on academic probation. One of the first questions I ask them is whether they are going to office hours.

Know how many of them say “yes”? Almost none.

This is a mistake. If you are struggling, your professor likely wants to help you succeed. Professors, speaking from personal experience, are more likely to help someone who is putting in the time to ask for that help. And whether you like your professors, they are still professors. They typically like law students, because they work at a law school. They are interested in what you think and want to teach you to be better. Just because you may find them socially awkward or even a little mean doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go meet with them. They may actually surprise you.

Some of the Most Intimidating Professors Are Quite Nice in Person!

I had a few professors I really loved in law school, but one of them was somewhat notorious because some people thought he was intimidating and harsh in class. Sure, he was old school, called us by our last names, and was tough in his cold calling. But some students used these qualities as an excuse for why they would not go and talk to him. What a mistake!

Once my friends and I mustered up the courage to go to his office hours, it turned out he was a totally different person outside of class. We found that he loves talking about the law and helping resolve student confusion. We discovered that he wants to know about his students and enjoys talking about a variety of topics such as career choices and the law school experience. Because I went to office hours, I was able to see a completely different side of this professor. He became a mentor to me and someone I knew well throughout law school. If I had remained too intimidated to go to his office hours, I likely would have completely missed out on that relationship and would not have done as well in his classes. What a foolish mistake that would have been!

But Even If You Don’t Like a Professor, You Should Still Go to Office Hours.

Sure, not all professors are incredibly nice and totally welcoming. I get it. And sometimes the professors you really should go see are not the ones you are looking forward to talking with. But that is no excuse. Whether regarding feedback on past exams, answers to substantive law questions, or other advice, professors may surprise you. But even if they don’t, you can still learn from them. These folks are experts and they want to help. But you can’t learn anything from them if you don’t overcome your anxiety and go talk to them!

Want Another Reason? What If You Need a Letter of Recommendation.

Opportunities may come up during law school where you need a letter of recommendation. But this can happen only if you build relationships with your professors. How do you build relationships? Spending time with them! If you don’t cultivate a personal relationship with a professor, he or she will never be able to write you a glowing recommendation letter. And that could really hurt you in the future.

So shake off any anxiety you may have and go talk to your law school professors.

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