
安徒生童话:A Picture Book Without Pictures 没有画的画册TWENTY-SEVENTH EVENING

 DonaldKing2589 2016-01-05

"Last night I looked down upon a town in China
said the Moon
"My beams irradiated the naked walls that form the streets thereNow and thencertainlya door is seenbut it is lockedfor what does the China- man care about the outer worldClose wooden shutters covered the windows behind the walls of the housesbut through the windows of the temple a faint light glim- meredI looked inand saw the quaint decorations withinFrom the floor to the ceiling pictures are painted in the most glaring clours and richly giltpictures rep resenting the deeds of the gods here on earthIn each niche statues are placedbut they are almost entirely hidden by the coloured drapery and the banners that hang downBefore each idoland they are all made of tinstood a little altar with holy waterwith flowers and burning wax lights on itAbove all the rest stood Fu the chief deityclad in a garment of yellow silkfor yellow is here the sacred colourAt the foot of the altar sat a living beinga young priestHe appeared to be prayingbut in the midst of his prayer he seemed to fall into deep thoughtand this must have been wrong for his cheeks glowed and he held down his headPoor Soui-hongWas heperhapsdreaming of working in the
little flower
garden behind the high street wallAnd did that occupation seem more agreeable to him than watching the wax lights in the templeOr did he wish to sit at the rich feastwiping his mouth with silver paper between each courseOr was his sin so great thatif he dared ut ter itthe Celestial Empire would punish it with death
Had his thoughts ventured to fly with the ships of the bar
bariansto their homes in far distant EnglandNohis thoughts did not fly so farand yet they were sinfulsin ful as thoughts born of young heartssinful here in the templein the presence of Fu and other holy gods
"I know whither his thoughts had strayed
At the farther end of the cityon the flat roof paved with porce lainon which stood the handsome vases covered with painted flowerssat the beauteous Peof the little rogu ish eyesof the full lipsand of the tiny feetThe tight shoe pained herbut her heart pained her still moreShe lifted her graceful round armand her satin dress rustled Before her stood a glass bowl containing four goldfish
She stirred the bowl carefully with a slender lacquered stick
very slowlyfor shetoowas lost in thought
Was she thinking
perchancehow the fishes were richly clothed in goldhow tney lived calmly and peacefully in their crystal worldhow they were regularly fedand yet how much happier they might be if they were freeYes that she could well understandthe beautiful PeHer thoughts wandered away from her homewandered to the templebut not for the sake holy thingsPoor Pe
Poor Soui
"Their earthly thoughts met
but my cold beam lay between the twolike the sword of the cherub"

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