
6亿小时,一起迎接更棒的2016 | 印象笔记(Evernote)CEO新年寄语

 优天行者 2016-01-14


2015 年转瞬即逝,新年将至,万象更新,又到了一年一度“做计划、定目标”的时刻,你期待以怎样的目标开启全力以赴的 2016 呢?在又一个奔向新年目标的征程中,印象笔记(Evernote)希望伴你一起收获点滴,在全力以赴的路上,助你一鼻之力。

2015 是值得庆祝的一年。这一年,我们迎来了数千万来自全球的新用户。印象笔记(Evernote)社区也迎来了包括阿根廷、哥伦比亚、菲律宾、乌克兰及越南等在内的 23 个国家的一百多万名用户。每位用户投入在印象笔记(Evernote)中的时间也超越以往,再创新高:不仅登录次数增加了20%,新建笔记数量也再创新高,剪藏次数也更加频繁,共享频次更是比过去增加了 90%

一年来,全球使用者投入在印象笔记(Evernote)的时间累计 6 亿多个小时。6 亿!哇!看到这个数字时我们都惊呆了。时间是如此的宝贵的东西,而大家居然愿意花这么多时间来使用我们打造的产品,真的让我们感到无比荣幸,同时,也深感责任重大。


在我们的用户中,有像 Amy Stewart 这样的作家,在写她的最新小说 Girl Waits with Gun 时,用印象笔记(Evernote)来收集写作素材。还有钢琴作曲家 Chad Lawson,用印象笔记(Evernote)来管理他的畅销专辑“The Chopin Variations”的制作及发行事宜。还有如 Swipes 的 COO Yana Vlatchkova,以及著名巴西婚礼网站 Casando sem Grana 的创始人 Sammia Ferreira 等企业家借助印象笔记(Evernote)来推动每天的工作。




2016 即将来临,在新的一年,我们希望勾勒出更宏伟的梦想蓝图。六亿小时的投入真的很不简单,那么在下一个梦想蓝图里,不如我们一起让这个收获翻倍到十二亿?就让我们一起用这十二亿小时捕捉更多灵感,立下更多目标,推动更多企划,完成更多更好的工作。这才是我们对新一年的最佳期许!在新的一年,你又期待如何用印象笔记(Evernote)帮你发挥潜力、实现梦想呢?欢迎随时与我们分享你的故事,我们期待在新的一年与你一同达成更多目标!


Chris O’Neill


Looking Forward to a Productive New Year

A year’s end has always been the perfect opportunity to take a fresh look forward. It’s the time to set new goals and resolve to reach your full potential in the things that matter most. For us at Evernote, that means helping you accomplish even your most audacious of plans.

2015 gave us a lot to celebrate. We welcomed millions of new Evernoters from around the globe. Evernote communities in Argentina, Colombia, Philippines, Ukraine, and Vietnam this year joined 23 other countries with more than one million users. And you were more engaged than ever, logging 20% more sessions, creating more notes, clipping more web pages, and sharing 90% more often than you have in the past.

In all, more than 600 million hours were spent in Evernote in this year. Six hundred million hours. Wow. That stat gives us pause. It’s incredibly gratifying and humbling to know that in a world where time is often the most precious commodity, people are spending so much of it in the products we build.

The good things that are happening with Evernote aren’t just hours totaled and stats calculated. Far more meaningful are the projects completed, businesses managed, term papers crushed, andcontinents circumnavigated by the people who’ve used Evernote to get there.

There are authors like Amy Stewart, who researched her latest novel Girl Waits with Gun with Evernote. Or pianist and composer Chad Lawson, who used Evernote to manage the launch of his bestselling album “The Chopin Variations.” Then there are the entrepreneurs likeYana Vlatchkova, COO of Swipes, and Sammia Ferreira, founder of popular Brazilian wedding site Casando sem Grana, who count on Evernote every day to keep their projects on track.

It’s stories like these that keep us fired up about continually improving our features and exploring new ways we can do more. We’re working on the fundamental features that matter most to the user experience across all platforms. Features like significantly improved note editing, more ways to capture information, and fewer steps to recall notes on the go. And we’re only just getting started.

Beyond the fundamentals, we want to bring you more moments of delight. Remember the first time you pulled out your phone and called up a recipe you clipped from the web? Or the time you searched for a name and Evernote instantly found it for you as script in a photo. Maybe we surprised you by suggesting a related note that saved you hours of reinventing the wheel at work? We will deliver more of those moments in 2016.

On a more personal note, I’ve been with the company for just five months now. In that time, I’ve been continually impressed by two things. First, our global Evernote team. I’ve never worked with a more talented, dedicated, and awesome group of people. The team here makes coming to work every day more enjoyable. Second, you, the passionate Evernote community. I’ve met many of you at events in Beijing, Tokyo, Mexico, and the Bay Area. You know Evernote in and out, you’re vocal about what you love, and forthcoming about what you don’t. I appreciate hearing it all, it inspires us to work harder.

For 2016, we want to dream big. 600 million hours of accomplishments is remarkable. But why not double that to over a billion? A billion hours of ideas being captured, projects progressing, and of jobs well done. That’s what we are aiming for in this new year.

How will Evernote help you reach your full human potential and your biggest goals this year? Share your stories with us. We look forward to telling them all year long.

Here’s to a brilliant 2016!

Chris O’Neill
CEO, Evernote

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