
二孩时代:解决劳动力短缺 催热大房销售

 杂谈婚姻 2016-01-15

Scrapping one-child policy should help China ease challenges of an aging society

The scrapping of the one-child policy is expected to add more than 30 million people to China's working-age population by 2050, helping the nation avoid a looming labor shortage, a senior family planning official has said.
The number was revealed by Wang Pei'an, vice-minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, at a news conference on Jan 11 held by the State Council Information Office.

二孩时代:解决劳动力短缺 催热大房销售

The size of China's labor force aged 15 to 59, which has continued to dwindle since peaking at 940 million in 2012, is forecast to be 700 million in 2050, thanks to the two-child policy.

"There is an irreversible downward trend in the size of the working-age population, and the entire population, but the new two-child policy will help to slow the decrease," says Yuan Xin, an expert in population studies at Nankai University.
The Chinese government late last year announced it was scrapping its one-child policy, which had been in place since the late 1970s, on Jan 1, and the new policy came into force. Leaders are also discussing other policies, such as delaying the retirement age and improving the quality of human resources, to help sustain a high-efficiency labor force.
According to Wang, the two-child policy also will help address challenges of the rapidly aging population. Without the policy, the number of people age 60 and older would make up 25.7 percent of the population by 2030. The policy is expected to lower that number by 2 percentage points.
Beside, China's switch to a universal two-child policy has sparked a rise in sales of large three or four-bedroom homes in major mainland cities.
Many couples in cities like Beijing and Shanghai are making early preparations for bigger families by hunting for larger homes with a better environment. Those families say they need at least three bedrooms: One for the parents and the younger child, one for the elder sibling and the other for grandparents or a domestic helper.

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