1月14日消息,曾饰演过《哈利·波特》系列中斯内普教授的英国著名影星艾伦·里克曼因癌症去世,享年69岁。 British actor Alan Rickman, whose career ranged from Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company to the "Harry Potter" films, has died at the age of 69, as AP reports. 昨天早上,在家人和朋友和陪伴下,艾伦在医院中溘然长逝。据他的家人说,他走的时候很平静。 几个月前他参演的电影Eye In The Sky成为了他的遗作,同时主演这部电影的还有Dame Helen和Aaron Paul。这部关于争夺王位和家庭伦理的悬疑电影将在4月8日于英国上映。 The 69-year-old passed away in hospital this morning, surrounded by relatives and friends, following a secret battle with cancer. His death comes just months ahead of the release of a new film called Eye In The Sky in which he stars alongside Dame Helen Mirren and Aaron Paul. The thriller, about the ethics of drone warfare, is set to open in UK cinemas on April 8. 艾伦·瑞克曼(Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman),1946年2月21日生于伦敦汉默史密斯,英国皇家艺术戏剧学院副主席,舞台剧演员、电视演员、电影演员、导演、编剧、经理人、配音员,英国最多才多艺的舞台剧演员和影视演员之一。 His breakout role was as the scheming Vicomte de Valmont in an acclaimed 1985 RSC production of "Les Liaisons Dangereuses." 1978年曾参演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,十年后的《虎胆龙威》让他声名鹊起。其中最著名的当属在《哈利·波特》系列中饰演的斯内普教授一角,除了反派角色外,里克曼在《理智与情感》、《真爱至上》等片中都有精彩演出。 Film roles included "Truly, Madly, Deeply," ''Love Actually" and the Potter films, in which he played the ambiguous Dark Arts teacher Severus Snape. “哈利波特”的作者J·K·罗琳,饰演哈利的丹尼尔和“赫敏”艾玛沃特森都对"斯内普教授"的离世表达了沉痛的哀悼。 版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播 转载请获得许可 |