

 situyate 2016-01-18

1.How do you spell it ? 你怎样拼写?   spell it ,please .请把它拼写出来。

2.call sb at 电话号码。打电话给某人

3.thanks for doing sth = thank you for doing sth .谢谢你做了某事。或因做某事而谢谢你。

4 next to 在----旁边   behind   in front of   between ---- and ------

5 take ------ to -------- 把某物带到某地方去 bring ----- to -------把某物带到某地方来

6 what about /how about  doing ?做某事怎样?about后面接动词ing形式

7.Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 let him help you  let us watch TV let’s play computer games

8.that sounds good .  that sounds interesting

9.like to do sth 指某一次具体的行为= like doing sth 经常性的或习惯性的行为

10.how much = what’ s the price of ? 问价钱的句子。

11 how old are you?=what‘s your age ?  what’s his /her age ? 问年龄

12 when is your birthday ? my birthday is January 1st .

13.I think he is a teacher .(think的否定句是否定前移,翻译时放到后面)

I don’t think he is a teacher .翻译为我认为他不是一个老师。

14.want to do sth = would like to do sth 想要做某事。

15.what kind of movies do you like ?  I like comedies .I don’t like thrillers or documentaries .

16 why do you like comedies ?        because they are very funny .

17 why don’t you like documentary ? because they are boring .

18.I can play the guitar . she can play the drum .情态动词后面跟动词原型,不用动词三单形式

 he can play soccer / chess .球类和棋类前面不加the .

19 what club do you want to join ?

I want to join the music club ?       Do you want to join the music club ?

20 be good with sb擅长与某人打交道  be good at sth /doing sth = do well in 在某方面很出色

 be bad at sth /doing sth 在某方面很差   Alice is bad at English

  Be good for sth /doing sth  对------有好处 。 be bad for sth / doing sth 对-----有坏处

21 help sb (to) do sth  = help sb with sth

22.be in = join  参加或加入    do Chinese kungfu    in a word 总而言之,一句话

 at a very good price 以非常好的价格。

23 show sth to sb  = show sb sth . 把某物给某人看

  he shows his photos to me = he shows me his photos 他把他的相片给我看

  Give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人he gives his photos to me = he gives me his photos .

24 what time  does Bob get up ?   he gets up at 6:00 O’clock .

25 what time is it ?  it’s 7:15  it’s seven fifteen . /it’s a quarter  past  seven .

             7:30  it’s seven thirty it’s half  past  seven

             7:45  it’s seven forty five  it’s a quarter  to  8:00

26.play with 和----一起玩/ 玩某物

27.what’s your favorite subject ? my favorite subject is math .= I like math best .

28 why do you / doesn’t he /she like math best ? why don’t you like math ? 为什么你/他不喜欢数学?

because I think /he/she thinks it’s interesting .

29 who is your art teacher ?   my art teacher is Mr wu . Mr wu is my art teacher .

what ‘s your favorite color /food / fruit ?

30 when do you have math ? I have math on Wednesday and Monday .

  What time do you have math today ? I have math at 9:00

31.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格  be strict in / at sth 对某事要求严格

32 on 在-----上面  2 关于 a book on science  3 通过 he learns  English on TV

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