
【A Hundred Blessings】Mirabai Ceiba (密罗·跋伊和木棉树)(德国/墨西哥)(2010)☆☆☆☆☆----外国歌曲

 轻风无意 2016-01-20

【】()()☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁

专辑名称:A Hundred Blessings|专辑艺人:Mirabai Ceiba|唱片公司:Spirit Voyage Records       
音乐风格: New Age,Yoga Chant  |  发行日期: 2010年03月18日 |  资源品质: MP3/156MB

【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  01. Mirabai Ceiba - A Hundred Blessings
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  02. Mirabai Ceiba - Sa Ta Na Ma
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  03. Mirabai Ceiba - Pavan Guru
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  04. Mirabai Ceiba - Aadays Tisai Aadays
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  05. Mirabai Ceiba - Ra Ma Da Sa
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  06. Mirabai Ceiba - Joy Like Spring
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  07. Mirabai Ceiba - Prithvi Hai
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  08. Mirabai Ceiba - Gobinday
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  09. Mirabai Ceiba - Despierta
【George Winston(乔治.温斯顿)作品集】Autumn(秋天)(1980)(FLAC)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁  10. Mirabai Ceiba - Even As Night 

【A Hundred Blessings】Mirabai Ceiba (密罗·跋伊和木棉树)(德国/墨西哥)(2010)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁

This album marks an artistic leap for  Mirabai Ceiba.  When  they approached we first
discussed this album, they were driven by a great wish to create an album that would
capture the essence and spark of their live performances.They had also been devoted
fans of  producer  Jamshied Sharifi's work for years and had wanted to find some way
to  work  with  him.  As  a  record label,  it was a deeply fulfilling process to be able to
connect Mirabai Ceiba's hopes with the masterful artistry of Jamshied's creativity.They
found  an  incredible studio called the Clubhouse in Rhinebeck, New York where they
were able to play with an  accomplished team of technicians and musicians all pulled
together by Jamshied Sharifi.

A Hundred Blessings has been another incredible process of  deepening  our  creative
relationship with the sound current of Gurmukhi mantras and spiritual poetry.We pray
that the music can serve  those sacred words to reconnect us to the universal soul and
awaken our hearts to the source of love, endless blessings and happiness which dwell
within all of us.  The  process  of  recording  and creating  came along with Angelika's
second  pregnancy.  Being pregnant  is like reestablishing the spiritual links to Mother
Earth and the creation of life which we found to be an immense inspiration. 

【A Hundred Blessings】Mirabai Ceiba (密罗·跋伊和木棉树)(德国/墨西哥)(2010)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁

Mirabai Ceiba-密罗·跋伊和木棉树是一个由多国艺术家组成的音乐团体. 成员包括来自德
国东部的吉他手兼歌手马库斯·西别尔,竖琴、钢琴演奏家Angelika Baumbach-安格莉

说到Mirabai  Ceiba 这个名字的由来,是受到印度和拉丁美洲土著的双重影响。Mirabai
的音乐能够像木棉树一样,牢牢扎根在大地母亲的土壤里, 却能以最茂盛的生命力延伸到
广阔天空的各个角落去. ”Mirabai Ceiba-密罗·跋伊和木棉树这个音乐组合融汇了一系列
温柔而独具特色的精神音乐,他们用竖琴,钢琴和吉他琴混合交织的美妙声音, 放佛要带
领你进入郁郁葱葱的广袤天地. 他们的现场音乐会更是充分体现了“大爱”二字,试图将

安格莉卡和马库斯经常在一起创作世界音乐新的类型与风格, 比如用英语和西班牙语的原
创歌曲, 来反映美国原住民的生活习俗。安格莉卡的竖琴和钢琴以及马库斯的吉他,为这
两种人声的结合做了完美的铺垫. 他们亦幻亦真的演绎如行云流水般浪漫和纯净,且蕴含
丰富的意境、高深的音乐素养和神圣的精神. 他们的音乐给予聆听者一种灵魂的安慰,也

【Dream夢】Naoyuki Onda(恩田直幸)(日本)(2003)(日本)☆☆☆☆☆ - 一个人静静听 - 藏音阁

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