

 昵称29904422 2016-01-23
摘 要 由于数据采集系统的应用范围越来越宽、所涉及到的测量信号和信号源的类型越来越多、对测量的要求也越来越高,国内现在已有不少数据测量和采集的系统,但很多系统存在功能单一、采集通道少、采集速率低、操作复杂,并且对测试环境要求较高等问题。人们需要一种应用范围广、性价比高的数据采集系统。基于单片机的多通道数据采集系统是由将来自传感器的信号通过放大、线性化、滤波、同步采样保持等处理后,输入A/D转换为数字信号后由单片机采集,然后利用SPI通信将数据送到主机进行数据的存储、后期处理与显示,实现了数据处理功能强大、显示直观、界面友好、性价比高、应用广泛的特点,可广泛应用于工业控制、仪器、仪表、机电一体化、智能家居等诸多领域。 关键词 多通道 数据采集 单片机 Abstract Since the wide range of data acquisition system, which involves the measurement signal and the type of signal source more and more, Surveyors are increasingly high requirements of the domestic now have a lot of data acquisition and measurement system But there are many single function systems, collecting less access, low collection rate, complicated operations, and the demands of the test environment and other issues.It requires abroad scope of application, high reliability and low-cost data acquisition system.Based on SCM′s multi-channel data acquisition system is adopted will come from the sensor signal amplification, linear filtering, After processing maintain synchronous sampling, which converted to digital signal input A/D conversion by SCM Acquisition, Then, SCM and PC to PC communications data to the data storage, post-processing and display. a powerful data processing, visual shows, friendly interface and high performance-price ratio, a wide range of features. can be widely used in industria

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