

 li7486 2016-01-27


Until Mary gets back to work, we'll have to make do with Ken. 在玛丽回来工作之前,我们只能用肯代替一下了。


get back to something指重新开始,特指继续做已停止的工作。同样是表示重新开始,start over指从头开始做某事,类似的还有begin again。

If you get back toan activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.

make do with是将就、凑合的意思,指手头资源并没有那么好,但只能凑合着用。另外有一个表示勉强应付的短语,get by,这个是指利用手头仅有的资源,但能达到一种自己比较满意的状态,也可以用get along来表达。

If you make do withsomething, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good.

If you can get bywith what you have, you can manage to live or do things in a satisfactory way.

In other words, it takes all sorts of people to make a world. 换句话说,世界是由各种各样的人组成的。


in other words指“换言之”,这里通常是以另一种浅显易懂的说法来解释自己之前所说过的内容。除了in other words,我们还可以说that is to say, put another way等,简单一点的话,可以用scilicet,也是指“换句话说”。

You say in other wordsin order to introduce a different, and usually simpler, explanation or interpretation of something that has just been said.

You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper. 你应该为你没有及时回家吃晚饭向你父亲道歉。


apologize to someone是向某人致歉的意思,也可以用其名词形式,make an apology。Apologize是英音的拼写,在美语中为apologise。

When you apologize tosomeone, you say that you are sorry that you have hurt them or caused trouble for them. You can say 'I apologize' as a formal way of saying sorry.

In time在本句中的释义为“及时”,而on time指的是“按时、准时”,前者是指在约定的时间之前发生,后者指刚好在约定的那个时间发生。此外,on time一般用于句尾,而in time会后接某一事项或某种情况,如及时回家吃饭,be home in time for supper。

in time的释义还有很多,如“迟早,最终”,something will happen in time,也可以表述为given time。另外,in time还可以表示“合拍”,如dancing in time with the music,随着音乐节拍起舞。

If you are in timefor a particular event, you are not too late for it.

If you are on time, you are not late.

The decay of the temple is due, in part, to acid rain. 寺庙腐坏的部分原因在于酸雨。


in part指“在某种程度上”,常用的表达还有in a way, in/to some degree, to a certain extend, to some extent等等。 You use in partto indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely.

due to指“由于,因为”,大家比较常用的还有because of, as a result of, by reason that, on account of, owing to, in virtue of, thanks to, as a consequence等等。

取其中几个辨析一下,because of是比较普通和常用的表达,更口语化一些。as a result (of)表因果时,通常会有因和果作为上下文。on account of作“因为”讲时后接名词。owing to可以和due to互换,due to为书面语,比较正式和庄重,多作状语,owing to则多作表语。thanks to表达的因果突出的是一种感激之情,可译为“多亏”,也有人将其用作反语,有否定、嘲讽之意。

If an event is due tosomething, it happens or exists as a direct result of that thing.

Larger pirates often preyed on unarmed merchant ships. 大型海盗常掠夺没有武装的商船。



prey on指“捕猎,以捕猎……为生”,如果说someone preys on someone else,指“欺负某人”,而something preys on someone's mind,则指“折磨,使耿耿于怀”。

If someone preys onother people, especially people who are unable to protect themselves, they take advantage of them or harm them in some way.

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