

 The_Creator 2016-02-06




Moral sense

Ethics Analogous to thesense of beauty, moral sense is supposed to be an intuitive, disinterested faculty which enables us to recognize moral qualities, such as being good and bad, virtuous and vicious, from what we feel. If the observation of an action is painful and disquieting, the action must be bad or evil. If the observation of an action results in a pleasant feeling, the action is good and virtuous. On such a basis, moral sense further motivates us toward morally right and virtuous behavior. Moral sense conflicts with the theological position that God’s will is the basis of morality and is also opposed to rationalism, since it insists that reason cannot account for our motivation and claims that morality is felt rather than reasoned. The theory that argues for the existence of moral sense is called moral sense theory, and is particularly associated with theeighteenth-century British philosophers Shaftesbury, Francis Hutcheson, and David Hume. Moral sense theory tries to base itself on Locke’s theory of knowledge, and it is a version of moral intuitionism. It is also called sentimentalism. Its major contribution is to emphasize the role of feeling in morality. Criticism of this theory generally alludes to the fact that there is no justification for positing an extra faculty of moral sense and that such atheory cannot avoid moral relativism.

”One man (Lord Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Hume, etc) says, he has a thing made on purpose to tell him what is right and what is wrong; and that it is called ‘moral sense’.”

Bentham, An Introduction tothe Principles of Morals and Legislation





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