

 暖暖暖彭 2016-02-18

Eu Jin, Lim is an artist/ architect based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Eu Jin has recently graduated from The Glasgow School of Arts and has gain graphical and architectural experience both locally and abroad. He has always been fascinated by the fine line between the sequential art of the graphic novels and the technical drawings of architectural orthographic blueprints. Being first exposed and influenced by the narrative qualities of comics/ manga as he was growing up, he now tries to bring them together in his architectural profession. The series of drawings is a continuing research that attempts to find the relationship between both the professions and how they would inform one and another in their productions. The work includes a narrative site analysis for a thesis based in Copenhagen, Denmark, a drawing experiment on Sir John Soane’s Museum, London and the most recent on the wondrous heritage Blue Mansion (Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion) in Penang, Malaysia.





















The book titled ‘Drawing the Blue Mansion’ is the latest book project published in collaboration with Laurence Loh and Lin Lee Loh Lim (conservation architect) of the Blue Mansion, Penang. ‘The project is inspired by the iconic Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion aka The Blue Mansion. Sited in the World Heritage Site of George Town, this multiple award-winning edifice is testimony to the stunning brilliance of eclectic architecture in the Straits Settlements and has been a source of unending creativeness. This project continues the exploration of the fine line between architecture, orthographic drawings and the sequential art of graphic novels, sometimes known as ‘comics’. The plot is based on the romanticized daily life of Cheong Fatt Tze himself and his favoured 7th wife, Tan Tay Po.

《绘画张弼士故居》是一项结合建筑、正投影绘画和视觉文学(或简称“漫画”)的探索性计划。故事情节以张弼士及其爱妾——七姨太陈锦宝的日常生活为基础,以生动的方式使之富有浪漫传奇色彩。透过这些画作,参观者将如身历其境般,感受这座文化遗产建筑迷人的空间设计和个中魅力。这项艺术计划是艺术家兼建筑师林佑仁与Arkitek LLA(修复张弼士故居之建筑公司)的卢光裕和卢林玲理携手合作的成果。这一系列作品是林佑仁在成功完成《绘画索恩》之后的新作。《绘画索恩》是他以伦敦的约翰,索恩爵士博物馆为对象的系列作品,目前由该馆收藏。身为艺术家兼建筑师,他在国内外的建筑及平面艺术领域拥有宝贵的经验。









The book is available at the Blue Mansion (Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion) in Penang or please contact eujinlim.is@gmail.com to get a copy of yours!



w: cargocollective.com/eujinlim

e: eujinlim.is@gmail.com



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