

 無情360 2016-02-20

【美】奎因 著,翟玉章 译




26. One answer which readily suggests itself is this: any meaningful statement should at least have some statements of the basic language as consequences, or else be a consequence of some statements of the basic language.


But on closer scrutiny even this requirement begins to appear too strong. I won’t here go into the technical reasons why; but merely say that the closer scrutiny in question is considerably aided by, if not dependent upon, methods of modern logic.


27. The most that can in general be demanded by way of connection is perhaps this: there must be some degree of confirmation—some degree of probability, in a sense—relating any meaningful statements to some statements of the basic language.


28. Then comes the problem of formulating what is meant by degree of confirmation. This is a vast problem, but, according to the considerations I have just sketched, it would seem to be an essential problem for empiricism; for, a degree of confirmation seems to be the one surviving connection between sciences, or common sense, and the direct experience which is the empiricist’s bedrock.


29. Carnap, Hempel, Helmer, Oppenheim, and others have been hard at word trying to formulate degree of confirmation, availing themselves liberally of the resources of modern logic. I for one am far from content with the results to date, but this much is clear: if a satisfactory formulation of confirmation is in the making, modern logic is playing the indispensible part in its creation; and if we are to decide rather, in time, that such an attempt is doomed to failure, any conclusive arguments to this negative effect will probably have to exploit the resources of modern logic in subtle ways that none of us have yet envisaged.


30. Logic figures no less importantly, and perhaps yet more obviously, in another central problem of philosophy which is closely connected with that of empiricist reduction or confirmation; namely, the problem of the nature of a priori, or analytic, statements.


31. When we make explicit how to reduce statements to basic ones about experience, or how to confirm them, we thereby implicitly determine the meanings of those statements and their constituent words—insofar as they may from an empiricistic point of view be said to have meanings at all. Empiricists and pragmatists from Peirce through Wittgenstein to Professors Lewis and Bridgman have agreed, in varying idioms, that the meaning of a statement consists in the methods of its empirical confirmation. Now as by-products of these methods there will be some statements, notably Stevenson’s old stand-by ‘No spinster is married’, which are automatically true by virtue of the meanings alone—by virtue, in other words, of the mere methods of empirical confirmation themselves, no matter what the content of experience may happen to be. Such statements are, in Kant’s terminology, analytic: true by virtue of the meanings alone.


32. All those statements which are theorems of pure logic, or instances of theorems of pure logic, are generally viewed as falling into the category of analytic statements; so it is not surprising that a training in logic should contribute to an understanding of analytic statements, if anything will.


33. In fact the development of modern logic has had an important bearing on Kant’s doctrine of a priori synthetic judgments: the doctrine that not all statements which are true independently of experience are analytic. Kant felt that arithmetic was largely a priori synthetic in this sense, as contrasted with logic, which is analytic. But Frege, in 1879—1888, showed that arithmetic was derivable from logic alone.


34. Kant might still maintain that logic in Frege’s sense, being stronger than the traditional logic, goes beyond the bounds of the analytic. If so, however, it would be up to Kant to show just where Frege, in his logic, crossed the line. In any case the problem delineating the bounds of the analytic becomes one which can hardly be profitably discussed any longer without reference to technicalities of modern logic.


35. The question of analytic or a priori truth is, in the terms of the Aristotelian tradition, very close to the question of properties, or essential attributes, as opposed to accidents. I mention this only to emphasize how central the topic is to philosophy. Actually I have no doubt that it is far better to think of these matters in terms of a priori or analytic truth of statements than in terms essentiality of attributes. For, attributes are attributes of the thing, not adjuncts of their name; but whether something attaches essentially or accidentally, better a priori or a posteriori, depends not the thing but on the particular name or description through which the thing is referred to. It is essential that the speaker at the Philosophy Club have the faculty of speech, but accidentally that anyone of name Quine have that faculty, as opposed to being a deaf mute; so it is strictly meaningless to speak of that faculty as essential or accidental to me, who am at once Quine and the speaker of the Philosophy Club. Here incidentally is a simple case of the kind of clarification which is the business of a proper theory of the a priori; and such a theory, if it is to be adequate, is bound to lean heavily on logic.


36. It’s hard for me to talk for an hour without bringing up G?del’s theorem; and at this point I want to bring it up as an illustration of how logic, at its very subtlest, may reveal philosophical difficulties which nobody would otherwise have dreamed of.


37. G?del’s theorem has to do with the elementary arithmetic, and algebra, of whole numbers. What he establishes is roughly this. Consider any system of rules and principles for proving laws or arithmetic. G?del shows that any such system, no matter how good or bad, is bound to be in one of these two predicaments: either (1) it enables us to prove a falsehood, so it is no good at all; or else (2) it is inadequate for proving certain truths of elementary arithmetic, even though those truths be capable of being written wholly in elementary arithmetical notation.


38. In a word, every technique for recognizing or generating elementary arithmetical laws is bound to be either inconsistent or incomplete.


39. From an empiricist point of view, this is a baffling situation. The laws of arithmetic are not empirical hypotheses; to say they are true at all, then, must mean that they can be proved, rather than be verified by observation. Otherwise wherein can their truth consist?


Yet G?del’s argument shows that, no matter how good our technique, there must be some arithmetical truths that cannot be proved. His argument is mathematically rigorous and there is no escaping it. The empiricist could indeed throw up his hands and declare all arithmetic meaningless; but he is likelier to reconsider his empiricism.


40. It is to be expected, surely, that any statement which is analytic should be capable of proof. So maybe G?del’s result may be interpreted that Kant was right in viewing arithmetic as a priori but synthetic. Undeservedly right, for Kant could have had no justifiable inkling of the incompletability of arithmetic.


41. But then, as I remarked earlier, we have to show where logic stops being analytic and becomes synthetic; for the fact remains that arithmetic is translatable into modern logic without remainder. Logic itself, like arithmetic, is subject to the G?del’s predicament of incompletablity.


42. Actually there is a line which can be drawn across modern logic, such that the logic to one side of the line does admit of complete systematization, and is not adequate to all of elementary arithmetic; while the logic on the other side of the line is incompletable, and contains implicitly elementary arithmetic and the rest of mathematics.


43. The line is just this: it is the line between the part of logic which is neutral on the question of universals, and the part of logic which implies a Platonistic answer to the question of universals.


44. It seems natural enough to classify the Platonistic part of logic as a priori synthetic, rather than analytic, if true at all; for this removes the ontological problems of universals itself from the domain of problems whose answers are analytic.


45. If it seems unnatural to classify part of logic as not analytic, this may merely reflect an unwise extension of the term ‘logic’ itself. As a matter of fact it would be equally in keeping with the old tradition to limit ‘logic’ to the hither side of the ontological line I have described, and call the farther side mathematics.


46. These developments suggest an interesting managing of two traditionally quite distinct philosophical thesis: the epistemological thesis of empiricism, which repudiates the a priori synthetic, and the ontological thesis of nominalism, which repudiates universal entities. A third repudiative thesis, less conspicuous traditionally, also appears to merge with them; viz., the repudiation of mathematics.


47. I have argued that the completable region of logic may conveniently be separated from an incompletable remainder of logico-mathematical science by drawing a boundary between the non-Platonistic and the Platonistic. My method thus far, in arguing that point, has been the single method of assertion. I must leave it at that; to elaborate it would involve me in another somewhat recondite result of G?del’s, the completeness of quantification theory, and various other matters too technical for the evening.


48. One point involved is, of course, a criterion for deciding what theories are Platonistic and what ones are not. That is, a criterion for deciding whether a theory involves a commitment to abstract entities, or merely uses abstract words without presupposing corresponding entities.


49. The criterion which I use is this: a theory is committed to abstract entities just in case its variables of quantification—say the ‘x’ of ‘(x)(…x…)’ are sometimes used to refer to abstract entities.


50. I have sometimes been misconstrued as meaning that the question whether there are abstract entities is a question of language. I almost wish I could agree to this, if only to sustain a bon mot due to Dr. James Grier Miller, who undertook to sum up the first of my papers on this topic with the formula ontology recapitulates philology.

我有时被误认为主张抽象对象存在与否的问题是语言问题。我倒真想同意这种误解,哪怕只是为了支持詹姆斯·格瑞尔· 米勒博士的名言:“本体论是语言学的浓缩”,这是他对我关于这个话题的第一篇论文所作的总结。【“本体论是语言学的浓缩”这句话后被奎因用作《语言和对象》一书的篇头语,它是对生物学家海克尔的名言“个体发展史是族群发展史的浓缩”(Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny)的模仿。】

51. Actually I mean no such thing. My criterion is for deciding not whether there are universals, but whether a given theory, a given form of discourse, commits itself to the doctrine that there are universals, and here philology has a place.


52. I haven’t tried to allow time to defend my criterion here, because I talked on that topic before this club last spring. Apropos of the prescribed theme of the present talk, I may merely add that this criterion of ontological commitment, if it is as adequate as I think it to be, is one more example of the use of modern logic in philosophy.


53. Before I stop I want to correct a wrong impression which I must have given when I suggested that empiricism, nominalism, and the repudiation of mathematics all converge. I must have given the impression that I thought empirical and nominalism were involved in absurdity.


54. On the contrary, I am partial to empiricism and nominalism, and my taste for each is enhanced by the support which it proves to gain for the other.


55. True, I also have a certain taste for mathematics. But repudiation of classical mathematics as a body of meaningful statements need not involve abandonment of mathematics altogether.


56. For one thing, we may still pursue classical mathematics, and examine its structure, without us philosophers according genuine meaning to its formulas. And we may, as philosophers, still inquire into the reasons why such a system of meaningless formulas should be useful to science.


57. Secondly, we may explore the possibilities of constructing a fragmentary neo-mathematics devoid of Platonistic commitments. However useful the classical mathematics may be, it would be important philosophically—from an empiricistic or nominalistic point of view—to show that a fragmentary non-Platonistic mathematics can be theoretically adequate for all applications to natural science.


58. In such a program, whose motivation is purely philosophical, techniques of modern logic would have to be exploited to the utmost.


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