

 许愿真 2016-03-01



特约作者:四川 杨树根



  What can be inferred from the text?

  Which of the following can be concluded from this passage?


  What's the author's attitude towards...

  How does sb. feel about this issue?


  Which of the following can be the best title for the text?


  What is the purpose of writing this article?

  In writing the passage, the author intends to ________.


  Where would this passage most probably appear?

  Where does the text probably come from?

  The passage is most likely to be taken from ________.


  What kind of people is the text mainly meant for?


  Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

  The second paragraph is developed by ________.









  【2016大连高级中学月考】Learning English has always involved both pain and pleasure, private effort and social activity. Traditional learning provided take-it or leave-it mixes of these as well as of content but in the future learners will be able to choose a plan which suits their cultural and psychological dispositions(性情), or their particular needs at that moment. They, rather than their teachers, will decide how, what and when they will learn.

  【试题】What can be inferred from the passage?

  A. Learning English means no pain in the future.

  B. English training schools will not be popular with young people in the future.

  C. English learners will become less independent in the future.

  D. More attention will be paid to personal needs in English learning in the future.

  【解析】D。由该段中的关键信息”but in the future learners will be able to choose a plan which suits their cultural and psychological dispositions(性情), or their particular needs at that moment”可知,将来的英语学习会更注重个人的需要,故选D。



  【2016绵阳一诊】When we moved in a month ago, Mary wanted to get a dog to keep out burglars. However, we finally decided that it would be cheaper to put an iron grille in front of the door and get a burglar alarm.


  That night I soon fell asleep because I was confident that no one could get into our house undetected. At about 1:50 a.m. I woke up suddenly and heard the siren... Oh, my gosh. The back door was unlocked. I rushed to lock it and it was just at that exact moment that the ‘burglar’ disappeared behind a curtain. Guess what? It was an ordinary house lizard(蜥蜴). Apparently the alarm system had been made for American or European homes in which lizards are never seen. I switched the alarm off and sat down to watch. A few moments later, a lizard ran across a wall, right in front of one of the alarm units.

  I won't bother to finish this story but if you'd like a burglar alarm system free of charge, just let us know.

  【试题】What will the author do after the incident?

  A. He will sell the alarm to someone else.

  B. He will buy a dog to keep out burglars.

  C. He will fix the alarm system immediately.

  D. He will file a complaint to the company.

  【解析】B。由最后一段中的”but if you'd like a burglar alarm system free of charge, just let us know”可知,作者不想用这套报警系统了,再结合第一段中的”Mary wanted to get a dog to keep out burglars”可知,作者最终很可能会买一条狗来防贼,故选B。



  【2016大庆铁人中学阶段考试】Well, he finally went his way, down the hill. Shoot him? Not me. You wouldn't, either. Not long after that I just watched him go, a strong deer carrying a proud head.

  I picked up my gun, and started walking back. Suddenly, I heard two shots, one after another. If you have hunted much, you will know what two shots mean. They mean a kill. I had forgotten that there were other hunters around.

  You will now understand why I gave up hunting from that day on.

  【试题】We can know that the passage is written in a(n)________ tone from the passage.

  A. worried B. excited

  C. sad D. happy




  【2016新疆华山中学月考】Using hot water to wash hands is therefore unnecessary, as well as wasteful, Carrico said, particularly when it comes to the environment. According to her research, people use warm or hot water 64 percent of the time when they wash their hands. Using that number, Carrico's team calculated a significant impact on the planet.

  ”Although the choice of water temperature during a single hand wash may appear unimportant, when multiplied by the nearly 800 billion hand washes performed by Americans each year, this practice results in more than 6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions annually,” she said.

  【试题】The figures in the passage are used to show that ________.

  A. using hot water to wash hands has a bad influence on our planet

  B. air pollution has become more and more serious

  C. using hot water to wash hands is a waste of energy

  D. people should pay more attention to the environment around us

  【解析】A。 ”Using that number, Carrico's team calculated a significant impact on the planet”为过渡句,该句有承上启下的作用,下一段引用的数据事实上就是为了证明用热水洗手给地球带来的消极影响,故选A。



  【2016大连八中月考】There was no refrigerator, nothing electric. But nobody was ever better at making do(凑合). In addition to all the housework, she went to the fields every day to help produce a crop to pay the rent to provide for the family. She and my dad worked hard to save every penny possible.

  They saved every penny to buy a farm late in life. They also saved enough money to live out their respective lives with home care without taking up residency in a nursing home. They were very independent. If you had suggested they accept a government transfer payment, they would have spit in your eye.

  【试题】How does the author find his parents?

  A. Brave and hard-working.

  B. Modest and warm-hearted.

  C. Economical and independent.

  D. Respective and satisfied.

  【解析】C。根据作者描述父母的信息”They saved every penny to buy a farm late in life”以及”lives with home care without taking up residency in a nursing home. They were very independent”可知,在作者眼中父母是节俭和独立的,故选C。


  【2016扬州中学月考】(首段)Wikipedia is a free-access, free-content Internet encyclopedia(百科全书), supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Wikipedia is ranked among the ten most popular websites and is considered the Internet's largest and most popular general reference book. Now, Wikimedia is becoming Wookieepedia as scientists hope the informative website will help us reach out to intelligent life forms. So aliens can learn about the human race.


  (尾段)Signals from Earth's radio and TV broadcasts have been heading out in space for some 60 years reaching around 5,000 stars.

  【试题】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

  A. Wikipedia, the most popular website

  B. Wikipedia to be beamed into space

  C. Wikipedia, aliens' best friend

  D. Wikipedia to result in a disaster

  【解析】B。根据首尾段可知,科学家向外星文明发送维基百科,希望这个网站能帮助外星人了解地球,也帮助我们联系外星人。所以Wikipedia to be beamed into space为最佳标题。快速提高物理成绩的奇书巧学妙解王高中物理,每天学习2-3页。60天稳提60分,上淘宝搜店铺:妙解王.早一天使用,早一天提分,快用快提分!


  【2016宁夏育才中学考试】There are a lot of talks these days about how kids should be interested in science. Here's an area of science for everyone, and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist.

  Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh, 58 pages, ages 9-12.

  【试题】The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

  A. compare features of different books

  B. inspire people to become scientists

  C. teach children some knowledge of science

  D. recommend new science books to children

  【解析】D。根据文中的”these cool new books ... scientist”和”58 pages, ages 9-12”可知,本文是一则广告,介绍了适合儿童阅读的科学方面的新书,故选D。


  【2016大连八中月考】Plan on traveling around the USA this summer. If you need help in arranging the trip, or want ideas about where to go and what to do, there are a number of outstanding websites that can make your American dream come true.

  www. byways. org

  The National Scenic Byways Program covers 150 memorable roads...

  【试题】Where does the text probably come from?

  A. A news report.

  B. A tourist brochure.

  C. A culture journal.

  D. A health column.

  【解析】B。根据”there are a number of outstanding websites that can make your American dream come true”可知,文章介绍的是几个与旅游有关的网站,故选B。



  【2016福建闽清高中考试】The principles about applying for jobs have altered greatly lately. In the past, people preferred a hand-written application letter.However, nowadays it is becoming more and more common to apply for a job through the Internet.You can find information on the Internet about how to apply for jobs.Information can be found about how to fulfill your application letter, the clothes that you should wear and how to carry out the interview itself.

  【试题】What kind of people is the text mainly meant for?

  A. Interviewers.

  B. Job-hunting people.

  C. Employers.

  D. Lay-off workers.

  【解析】B。根据该段中的信息”The principles about applying for jobs have altered greatly lately”和”You can find information on the Internet about how to apply for jobs”可知,本文主要讲求职的一些途径和注意事项,所以本文的写作对象是求职者,选B。

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