
How to Come Up with Good Conversation Topics (with Sample Topics)

 凡乐仙人居 2016-03-06
Bring up family. Your safest bet here is siblings and general background information (such as where he grew up). Be sure to respond enthusiastically to encourage him to share more information.[3] Parents can be a touchy subject for people who had troubled upbringings, have estranged parents or whose parents have recently passed away. The topic of children can be uncomfortable for couples who are having fertility issues or disagreements about whether to have children, or for a person who wants to have kids but hasn't found the right person or situation. Some questions you might ask include:
  • Do you have any siblings? How many?
  • (If he has no siblings) What was it like being an only child?
  • (If he has siblings) What are their names?
  • How old are they?
  • What do your siblings do? (Modify the question based on how old they are. Do they go to school/college or have a job?)
  • Do you look alike?
  • Do you all have similar personalities?
  • Where did you grow up?

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