自力村位于开平市塘口镇。具有典型的岭南田园特色,稻田、菜园、荷塘散落其间,与众多的碉楼互相辉映,形成一幅独特的乡村古堡水墨画。自力村有15座碉楼,风格各异、造型精美,楼内保存着当年完整的家具、农具和生活用品,是开平碉楼兴盛时期的杰出代表。2001年国务院公布开平碉楼为全国重点文物保护单位;2005年被评为“广东最美的地方”;2006年被评为“中国最值得外国人去的50个地方”金奖;“广东省最佳旅游景区”;2007年6月列入《世界遗产名录》。 Zili Village lies in the Tangkou Township, Kaiping City. This village shows features of therural life of South China. The paddy-fields,vegetable garden and lotus pond scattered in the village. The 9 diaolou and 6lu(villa) in Zili Village were built in1920’s and 1930’s. They are different in architectural fashion yet stylish.Inside these buildings, farm tools, household commodities and furniture werewell preserved. which demonstrate the daily life and cultural of the returnedOverseas Chinese at that time.Zili Village was proclaimed the “National EmphasizedCultural Preservation Site” in 2001, regarded one of “Guangdong’s Most Beautiful Places and MostBeautiful Residence.” “National Historical Cultural Village” in 2005, awarded the GoldenPrize of “50 Places in China worth Visiting by Foreigners” in 2006, andinscribed on the UNESCO world Heritage List in 2007. |
来自: 只是近黃昏 > 《十四.收藏資料①》