Finding peace and quiet in today's 24-hour societycan be tricky but a simple technique could helpboost your productivity, it is claimed. 外媒称,在如今每日分秒必争的社会,寻找一份平静和安宁并不容易,但下面这份简单的科学配方却能帮你提高工作效率。 The 10-3-2-1-0 formula can help you sleep better,feel great in the morning and increase productivityat work, according to author and fitness coachCraig Ballantyne. 克雷格·巴伦坦是位作家兼健身教练。他表示,“10-3-2-1-0公式”有助于大家获得更佳的睡眠质量,在清晨起床时精神抖擞,并且大大提高工作效率。 He calls it the ‘Perfect Day' formula and it's all to do with giving yourself the best possiblechance to start your day feeling well-rested and energetic. 巴伦坦称之为“完美日”公式,认为它能切实有效地让你在清晨感到睡眠充沛、元气满满,并以最好的状态迎接新的一天。 Switching off at the right time before you go to sleep is essential, with the formulaencapsulating much of the advice given by a number of health expertsfor better sleep. 这个公式结合了多位健康专家的建议,致力于帮助人们提高睡眠质量。其核心思想便是:安排好睡前的时间分配。 The 10-3-2-1-0 formula “10-3-2-1-0公式” 10 hours before bed: No more caffeine 睡前“10”小时内:不再摄入咖啡因; 3 hours before bed: No more food or alcohol 睡前“3”小时内:不再进食或饮酒; 2 hours before bed: No more work 睡前“2”小时内:不再工作; 1 hour before bed: No more screen time 睡前“1”小时内:不再看电脑、电视或手机; 0: The number of times you hit the snooze button in the morning “0”次:保证你早晨闹钟一响就会起床——“0”拖延 "The single most important factor in winning your mornings and owning your days is to get up15 minutes earlier and work on your No.1 priority before anyone else is awake. It's thatsimple," he explains. 他解释道:“一日之计在于晨,要想好好把握早晨时光,精神百倍地开始新的一天并不难,其关键就在于:提前15分钟起床,并在别人都还在睡觉的时候开始做一天中最重要的事。” |