
高考英语having (been)done结构及其否定用法

 半是学海 2016-03-24

高考英语having (been)done结构做状语及其否定式用法

done是过去分词, having done是现在分词完成时两个都可以表示“完成+被动。”但作状语时,having done表示该动作发生在主句动作之前;而done则不强调这层含义;

Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent.


Charlie, having lived in Paris for years, decided to return to London. 在巴黎呆过多年,查理决定重返伦敦。

having lived in Paris for years动作在先,decided to return to London动作在后。

I got to the office earlier that day,________the 7∶30 train from Paddington.

A.caught B.to have caught

C.to catch Dhaving caught答案D

Having finished all the tasks, we went to the cinema.(时间状语)完成所有的任务后,我们去看了电影。完成任务的动作在去看电影之前。

Having known the situation well, they could deal with the problem effeciently.(原因状语)“由于对形势的深刻了解,他们有效地处理了问题。先了解了形势,后处理的问题。以上两句的短语也可以放到后面,那就在句子的中间了。当然还可以作其他的状语,就不一一列举了。

having (been)done结构否定式

Not having done it right, I tried again.我由于没有做对,所以又试了试。

Not having been invited, he felt very unhappy.

(分词完成式的被动语态(having been done)强调分词动作先于谓语动词)

having been done结构

The man, having been disturbed so badly, almost lost his memory. 由于被严重困扰,这个人几乎失去了记忆。 (The man, who had been disturbed so badly, almost lost his memory.)

)Having been bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.


分词完成式having been bitten在谓语动作refused之前已经重复过两次,即分词完成式用于短暂动作时往往会体现出重复性的特点。

Having failed three times, he didn't want to try again.


分词完成式having failed在谓语动作want之前已经重复过三次,即分词完成式用于短暂动作时往往会体现出重复性的特点。



高考英语having (been)done结构及其否定用法

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