根据中国睡眠研究会此前的调查统计结果显示,中国成年人失眠发生率高达38.2%! 详细请点击:http://learning.sohu.com/20160327/n442389956.shtml 如果你是因为压力过大而导致失眠,其实完全可以通过自我调节,并且在生活上做出一些小改变来缓解。小编总结了几条帮助你快速入睡的小贴士。 Tips1:保持卧室安静、黑且暗 用厚重的窗帘隔绝外界光源,借助风扇或者白噪音掩盖恼人的声音——因为黑暗的环境会促进松果体产生褪黑激素,这种激素正是控制昼夜循环的。 Make sure your bedrooms are quiet and dark enough, use heavier curtains to cut off the light and block out noises. Tips2:顺从自己的天性 晚上要在心理上做好入睡的准备:读几页书、花个5到10分钟打理个人卫生,或者冥想一会——因为身体自身的状态,晚上会比较容易切换到睡眠状态。 Be prepared to go to sleep psychologically, relax yourself before going to bed by reading a few pages of books or performing some light chores. Tips3:保证你的床只是用来睡觉 如果你只希望在床上熟睡而不是整晚翻烙饼,那么就要只把睡觉这件事和你的床联系起来——避免在床上工作,付账单、读书或者看电视。 Try not to work, read or watch TV in bed. Regard your bed only as a place to sleep rather than to do something else. Tips4:驯服你的胃 无论太饱或者太饿都会干扰睡眠。别在临睡前吃大餐,或者饥肠辘辘不得入眠。如果真的很饿,吃些富含碳水化合物的小点心,可以触发大脑血清素的释放,有助放松身心。试试看全麦饼干或者一碗麦片。搭配牛奶或一小份火鸡肉,这些食物富含氨基酸,同样促进睡眠。 Don't be too full or too hungry, since both conditions hinder you from falling asleep quickly. If you are hungry before sleep, try some pastries containing carbohydrates, or some other foods containing sufficient amino acids, including wholemeal cookies, cereal, milk, or a small piece of turkey. Tips5:警惕咖啡因 每天过量的咖啡因,即使不在睡眠时间发挥影响,也会导致睡眠不规律。当你50岁时,新陈代谢会变慢,于是咖啡因滞留人体的时间就更长——最长可达10个小时。 Beware of caffeine, since it'll easily cause irregularity for your sleep. The older you are, the longer caffeine stay inside your body. Tips6:冲个澡 临睡前1到2小时来个热水澡。当你离开浴盆体温会逐渐下降,令你感到疲倦。不过,别临睡才洗,那会使人兴奋,反而睡不着。 Take a good bath or shower 1 or 2 hours before you go to bed, since it'll make you more relaxed and help you fall asleep. But avoid taking baths right before going to bed since it could get you excited and backfire. Tips7:不要勉强入睡 如果半个小时还不能入睡,不必躺在床上暗自神伤,干脆做点别的什么轻松一下,诸如听点舒缓的音乐或者浏览杂志,或者来杯温牛奶。 If you have trouble falling asleep for over 30 minutes, you could also try listening to some light music or scanning magazines, or even drinking a glass of milk. Tips8:买张好床 一张床不能太软,那会导致睡姿不正,还会导致肌肉僵硬和背部问题。如果你起床的时候床垫凹下去一块,那么这张床就太软了。如果你的床垫的服役年龄高于10年,那还是换张硬度舒适的吧。 The quality of your bed is also important. Make sure your bed is neither too hard nor too soft. If you have used the same mattress for over a decade, you should seriously consider buying a new one. 版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播 TheBeijingHour英语新闻 转载请获得许可 |