
迷人的长笛 - 朗帕尔

 lxg027 2016-04-03
专辑英文名: Jean-Pierre Rampal · La Fl?te Enchantée
专辑中文名: 迷人的长笛 - 朗帕尔
艺术家Jean-Pierre Rampal
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [4 CD Set]
发行时间: 1977年04月22日

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光碟数目:4 CD


法国长笛家朗帕尔是我们这个时代最伟大的艺术家之一。他出生於一九二二年一月七日,地点是法国的马赛。父亲是约瑟夫朗帕尔。他在一九三七年从马赛音乐院以第一名毕业,随后又进入巴黎音乐院,随GASTON CRUNELLE学习长笛,随后在一九四四年同样以首奖毕於该校,同时还获得朱利维大奖。后捱他曾经有一段时间打算学习医学,可是很快就放弃了。他从一九四六年进入维奇政府所办的维奇歌剧院管弦乐团开始成为国际知名的长笛演奏家,和钢琴家维宏-拉克瓦也在这时期结缘,两人从此合作达三十年之久。朗帕尔对十八世纪的长笛音乐特别热爱,由於他对原典风格的坚持,使他很早就超越他的时代,以纯净、具洞见的长笛吹奏詮释说服了二十世纪长笛家放弃滥用装饰音,他的长笛吹奏具有清净、圆熟的音色,特别注重细节的对比,断句非常的讲究。本份录音中收录了朗帕尔最擅长的十八世纪长笛音乐录音,这些作品有许多都是经过他的努力才获得世人重视的,也有些则是得力於他杰出的校订工作和分句技巧,而让乐曲获得新生命。最后一片中,朗帕尔则演奏了多位与他熟稔的法国近代作曲家的作品,在这些曲目上,当代无人能与他较长短

Jean-Pierre Rampal was one of history's greatest flute players, and among the most recorded classical artists of all time. His father was the first flutist of the Marseilles Symphony Orchestra and was professor of flute at the Conservatory there. Although his father taught him to play the flute, he did not recommend a musical career for Jean-Pierre, who instead entered medical studies. He was in the third year of medical study when, in 1943, German occupying forces drafted Rampal for service in the military. He learned that he was, in fact, to be sent to Germany as forced labor. So he went absent without leave and joined the underground, traveling to Paris and assuming a new identity. In Paris, he decided to attend the National Conservatory as a flute student. Five months later he graduated with first prize. Paris was liberated a few months later, and Rampal was appointed first flutist with the Paris Vichy Opéra.

In 1950 Rampal embarked on a touring career. His favored accompanist was Robert Veyron-Lacroix, who could play both piano and harpsichord. Veyron-Lacroix's expertise helped Rampal deepen his performances of music of the eighteenth century -- his favorite musical era -- by drawing on contemporary performance practices. He eschewed the vibrato and the generally romantic sound of most flute playing, and in so doing he strongly influenced flutists of subsequent generations. In 1956 he joined the orchestra of the Paris Opéra, remaining there through 1962. During this period he appeared frequently on the radio in Paris, gaining great popularity. He taught at the Paris Conservatory and gave master classes around the world.

Rampal was devoted to chamber music, founding the French Wind Quintet (Quintette à Vent Fran?aise) in 1945 and the Ensemble Baroque de Paris in 1953. He appeared with every major orchestra, gave recitals worldwide, and recorded prolifically, covering all of the standard flute repertoire and many new and unknown pieces. Several of his recordings have won the Grand Prix du Disques.

Even beyond these endeavors his musical interests were quite diverse: he also appeared on recordings of English folksong, American ragtime, European jazz, and Japanese, Chinese, and Indian classical music. Some of his recording partners were Mstislav Rostropovich, Claude Bolling, Ravi Shankar, and Isaac Stern. Numerous composers wrote works for him, including Francis Poulenc, Pierre Boulez, André Jolivet, and Jean Fran?aix. His Music, My Love: An Autobiography was published in 1989. Rampal received various honors, including elevation to the ranks of Chevalier of the Légion d'Honneur (1996), Officier des Arts et Lettres (1971), Commandeur de l'Ordre National de Mérite. He also received the Prix du Président de la République, and the Prix du Académie Charles Cros. ”

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CD 1 Jean-Sébastien Bach - 巴哈 1/4

Sonate pour fl?te & clavecin BWV 1030-1032 - 01-09. 巴哈:为长笛与大键琴所写之奏鸣曲,BWV 1030-1032
01. - I Andante
02. - II Largo E Dolce
03. - III Presto - Allegro
04. - I Allegro Moderato
05. - II Siciliano
06. - III Allegro
07. - I Vivace
08. - II Largo E Dolce
09. - III Allegro
Sonate pour fl?te & continuo en ut majeur, BWV 1033-1035 - 10-20. 巴哈:为长笛与数字低音所写之奏鸣曲,BWV 1033-1035
10. - I Andante - Presto - Allegro
11. - II Adagio
12. - III Menuetto I & II
13. - I Adagio Ma Non Tanto
14. - II Allegro
15. - III Andante
16. - IV Allegro
17. - I Adagio Ma Non Tanto
18. - II Allegro
19. - III Siciliano
20. - IV Allegro Assai
Sonate pour fl?te seule en la mienur, BWV 1013 - 21-24. 巴哈:无伴奏长笛奏鸣曲BWV 1013(大键琴:维宏-拉克瓦,低音古提琴:胡夏特)
21. - I Allemande
22. - II Courante
23. - III Sarabande
24. - IV Bourree Anglaise

CD 2 Georg Philip Telemann - 泰雷曼 2/4

Concerto en sol majeur pour fl?te & cordes - 01-03. G大调长笛协奏曲
01. - I Allegro Ma Non Troppo
02. - II Adagio
03. - III Allegr
Suite en la mineur pour fl?te & cordes - 04-10. A小调长笛组曲
04. - Ouverture
05. - Les Plaisirs
06. - Air A L'Italienne
07. - Menuets
08. - Rejouissances
09. - Passepied
10. - Polonaise
Suite en la mineur pour fl?te & cordes - 11-13. 三首长笛奏鸣曲
11. - Sonate En Fa Mineur: Triste - Allegro - Andante - Vivace
12. - Sonate En Si Mineur: Cantabile - Allegro - Dolce - Allegro
13. - Sonate En Si Bemol Majeur: Dolce - Vivace - Sicilienne - Vivace
14. - Concerto Pour Flute & Clavecin En Re Majeur: Piacevole - Allegro - Largo - Vivace - D大调长笛与大键琴之协奏曲(大键琴:维宏-拉克瓦,李斯腾帕特/萨勒室内管弦乐团)

CD 3 3/4
Joseph Haydn 1732-1809 - Sonate pour fl?te en ut majeur, d'après Hob.III.72 - 01-03. 海顿:长笛与钢琴之奏鸣曲-依HOB:III.72改编
01. - I Allegro Moderato
02. - II Andantino
03. - III Vivace
Ludwig van Beethoven 1770-1827 - Sérénade pour fl?te, violon & alto, op.25 - 04-09 贝多芬:长笛、中提琴与小提琴之小夜曲,作品25
04. - I Entrata - Allegro
05.- II Tempo Ordinario D'Un Menuetto
06. - III Allegro Molto
07. - IV Andante Con Variazioni
08. - V Allegro Scherzando E Vivace
09. - VI Adagio - Allegro Vivace Disinvolto
10. Franz Schubert 1797-1828 - Introduction & variations sur le thème "Ihr Blümlein alle" - 舒伯特:钢琴与长笛之序奏与变奏曲,依歌曲「小白花」之主题,D.802
Robert Schumann 1810-1856 - 3 Romances - 11-13. 舒曼:三首浪漫曲、作品94(钢琴:维宏-拉克瓦、小提琴:杰哈.杰瑞、中提琴:赛吉.柯勒)
11. - I Nicht Schnell
12. - II Einfach, Innig
13. - III Nicht Schnell

CD 4 4/4

Claude Debussy 1862-1918 - Sonate pour fl?te, alto & harpe - 01-03. 德布西:长笛、中提琴与竖琴之奏鸣曲
01. - I Pastorale
02. - II Interlude
03. - III Final
04. Maurice Ravel 1875-1937 - Introduction & allegro pour harpe, fl?te, clarinette & quatuor à cordes - 4 拉威尔:序奏与快板(竖琴、长笛、竖笛与弦乐四重奏)
Albert Roussel 1869-1937 - Sérénade pour fl?te, harpe & trio á cordes - 05-07. 胡赛尔:长笛、竖琴与弦乐三重奏之小夜曲
05. - I Allegro
06. - II Andante
07. - III Presto
Arthur Honegger 1892-1955 - Concertino da camera pour fl?te, cor anglais & orchestre à cordes - 08-10. 奥涅格:长笛、英国管与弦乐团之室内小协奏曲
08. - I Allegretto Amabile
09. - II Andante
10. - III Vivace
3 Pièces de la Collection Fernand Oubradous - 11-13. 三首选自费朗.奥布拉杜斯选集之长笛小品
11. Arthur Honegger 1892-1955 · Romance
12. Amable Massis 1893-1980 · Pastorale
13. Henri Gagnebin 1886-1977 · Marche des gais lurons

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