

 雪落个人图书馆 2016-04-07

2016.03.05 结构班


Do people in your country…?
Do Chinese people …?
Do children …?
套路1 :
Different people have different preferences/ habits/ thoughts, probably____ people enjoy 喜欢/习惯 ____ for example _____, and ____ people enjoy喜欢/习惯 ____ for example _____.

What kinds of food do people like to eat in China?
Different people have different preferences, probably older  people enjoy something light for example some porridge or soup, and younger people enjoy spicy food for example hotpot or Sichuan food.

What kinds of dance are popular in your country?
Different people have different preferences younger people enjoy some fast dances for example hip hop or jazz, and older people enjoy something traditional for example square dancing or YG.

In your country, what kinds of places do people prefer living in?
Different people have different preferences older people enjoy some quiet places for example living in the suburbs, and younger people like to live in places that are convenient for example living in downtown areas.

It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to 喜好/习惯, but maybe for others, they will probably 喜好/习惯.

What kinds of gifts do people give to each other in your country?
It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to give some DIY gifts like handcrafts or pictures,but maybe for others, they will probably give things like cigarettes or alcohol.

What kinds of TV programs do people enjoy watching in China?
It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to enjoy watching American TV series like Two broke girls,but maybe for others, they will probably enjoy domestic programs like FCWR.
-Do you think something is good?
-Do you think something is necessary?
-Do you think it’s important to do something?
-What are the benefits of something?
-Would you say it’s good for someone to do something?

Different ways to say “I think”
I feel that…
In my opinion…
The way I see it.
套路:Direct answer + 客观opinion + personal experience (用个人经历验证客观的观点)

Do you think children should learn how to paint?
Yea I do, I feel that painting can enhance their creativityand artistic taste, I remember when I was a kid, I learned painting, I became avery innovative person who can appreciate art.

Do you think people should plant flowers?
Yea I do, I feel that planting flowers can make their homes feellively and colourful, Iremember a while ago, I planted some flowers at home, everyday when I wenthome, my home felt fresh and it brought me good mood.

Do you think E learning is good?
Yea I do, I feel that E learning is really convenient and it’squite efficient, I remember a while ago, I attended a course on the internet, Ilearned what I needed and I saved a lot of time because I didn’t need to goout.
Different ways of expressing 反面opinion
I feel that it’s unnecessary…
I feel that there's no need to...
I don't think so...
直接说没必要,you know 说他的好,however 然后把自己negative opinion 说出来.

Do you think children should learn musical instruments?
I feel that it’s unnecessary, you know it can enhance theirartistic talent, however learning musical instruments is time consuming and itmight affect student’s studies.

Do you think history is important?
I don’t think so, you know people say we need to learn aboutthe past so we can have a better future, however the way I see it, we need tofocus on some technical skills that can really help us do things.
What do you think are the Advantages or disadvantages ofsomething?What are the good and bad of something?
套路:Well, the pros of ( something ) are _______ and on the otherhand the cons are ______.

What advantages and disadvantages do you think using a cameragives to students?
Well, the pros of giving cameras to students are that it canhelp them show themselves and share the good things in life with family andfriends, on the other hand the cons are that the student might become more andmore superficial and you know taking photos is quite addictive.

What do you think are the good and bad things about onlineshopping?
Well, the pros of online shopping are that online shopping istime saving and it’s really convenient, on the other hand the cons are thatthere’s no insurance for quality and it’s really hard to get a refund orexchange a product.

Explaining 题型,任何时候问WHY 就为此题型.
You know, the main factor is _______ and also _______.
Well, the reason why(I like / I feel that ) something is coz ______ and also partly because ______.
Future plans-未来计划题
问法:What are your future work / study plans?
Short term speaking, I plan to _____ and long term speaking, I hope to

What are your future study plans?
Short term speaking, I plan to improve my English and pass the IELTS, long term speaking, I hope to study accounting in the UK.

What are your future work plans?
Short term speaking, I plan to find a job and learn some experience, long term speaking, I hope to be an entrepreneur and work for my self.
Would you like to do something?
Do you plan to do something?
Yea I would, but currently I want to focus on _____, and in the future when I _____ I will ______because ______.

No, I don't plan to do XX(on doing XX) ./No, I don't, because _____ I'd rather _____.

Would you like to cook?
Yea I would, but currently I want to focus on my studies, and in the future when I go abroad I will learn cooking because it’s an important part of life and it’s money-saving.

Would you like to learn how to drive?
Yea I would, but currently I’m busy with my studies, and in the future when I have time off, I will learn driving because it’s a necessary part of life and it will bring me a lot of convenience.

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