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2012-12-30 13:35阅读:863
Wishful Thinking
July 5, 2009 in Mental-Tools
2009年7月5日 思维工具箱
Very often wishful thinking is considered as negative, as an escapefrom “rock-bed-reality”, as an illusion which will never realizeand if it does, it is the blind hazard, the exception from therule. However – this world works on the basis of intentions anddesires, generated by an individual and if these intentions anddesires are strong enough and fit with the active convictions andmore – are in alignement with the emotional vibrations – theybecome real. So the act of wishful thinking has to be expanded alittle bit to work. Instead of thinking use imagination and feedthese images with your most beautiful emotions. Then – nothing canstop the fulfillment!
Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge islimited to all we now know and understand, while imaginationembraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know andunderstand.
---------Albert Einstein
You have been taught that imagination is not real. It is what youterm ‘pretend.’ This is incorrect, for in your consciousness, thatpart of which you are not aware, all of your reality originates inimagination. What you perceive consciously as imagination orpretending is a mirror image of your essence and its thoughts, thisbeing the most creative part of your essence. Imagination isincorporated in all physical developmental focuses. It isincorporated in all dimensions and is incorporated in allnon-physical focuses. It is a wonderfully glorious tool! All ofyour plans, all of your desires, all of your motivation comes fromimagination. --------Elias
About imagination: The Inner Landscape Exercise
Refined by Elias in Session 1784
You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. Youmay, by examining your inner landscape:
You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from thisemotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from oneemotion. Allow yourself to move into the area of the emotion,examining it, and from this allowing yourself to visualize,springing initially, colors that you may identify with thisemotion. Create these colors into a landscape. It may be a forest;it may be a lake; it may be a beach; it may be a field. It may beany landscape that you choose; and as you visualize this landscapeand you move into examining this, knowing that this landscape iscreated by one emotion or one thought or one physical feeling, youmay allow yourselves to interpret the elements of the landscape,which may also inform you of the direction that you are movinginto, which shall be offering you information of what you arecreating futurely.
It may be more beneficial and more consistently clearly expressedif you develop a landscape which is not necessarily an actuallandscape that you are familiar with, one that allows for theincorporation of more imaginative creations, one that may be realin your terms but not necessarily one that you are actuallyfamiliar with. As an example, you may develop an inner landscapethat is incorporating an ocean theme, and in that ocean theme,perhaps you engage the imagery of icebergs and walruses. Now;walruses may not necessarily be a creature that you are entirelyfamiliar with, and therefore, it allows you to incorporate moreimaginative imagery and allows you to generate more creativity,which is more stimulating. In landscapes that are more familiar toyou, they may more easily fade, for they are not as stimulating foryou limit your creativity with them. In a manner of speaking, youare not stimulating yourself. Therefore, the landscape becomessomewhat boring, for it is perceived to be limiting in what you caninsert in it.
Therefore, if you choose an unfamiliar landscape with some familiarimagery that is somewhat familiar, merely in form, but not entirelyfamiliar in environment, it allows you to express much morecreativity and insert different images into your landscape andalter the images at times. Your glacier may be different shapes,your icebergs may be in different positions, your fish or yourplants may be different, the atmosphere may be different, it may besunny at times, or you may be visualizing under the water, or youmay be visualizing storms. In this, you allow yourself much more ofa broader experience with the imagery that you create. Or you maychoose other types of imagery. My suggestion to you would be tofocus first upon a chosen creature, and in choosing a creature,allow yourself to choose one that you perceive to be playful orgentle or powerful, which the optimum would be to choose a creaturethat incorporates all of those elements. A creature that is notfamiliar within your environment. Therefore, that allows you morecreativity to engage designing different types of landscapes thataccommodate that creature.
Question: How do we manipulate the creature, the landscape? Thearea of internal landscapes that I’m interested in is repairinghealth problems. The point of the inner landscape is to focus yourattention in a manner in which you are generating a creativeaction, and therefore expressing a creative energy within yourself.The point is to be affecting of physical manifestations andaltering them through the action of the inner landscape withoutconcentrating upon the effected element of the physical bodyconsciousness. This is what generates the success of this type ofaction, for if an individual generates some type of physicalmanifestation within the physical body consciousness that theindividual perceives to be damaging or uncomfortable ordebilitating in some manner, the automatic response to physicalmanifestations is to concentrate your attention upon it, whichmerely perpetuates it. Therefore, the significance of the innerlandscape is that you are moving your attention to differentimagery, allowing yourself to trust your physical bodyconsciousness that it knows how to interpret your inner landscapeand what the communication is.
In a manner of speaking, it is an intentional action of moving yourattention in another direction and trusting yourself and yourmanipulation of your physical body consciousness. You do notgenerally incorporate an objective awareness of, or attention to,how certain organs within your physical body function, but youtrust that they function properly. For in your trust of yourself tobe generating adequate functioning of certain elements of your bodyconsciousness, it does not require your attention. You are notcontinuously, throughout your day, in every moment, objectivelyexpressing to yourself to breathe in and out to sustain what youterm to be life. Correct? Therefore, what you are doing is you aretrusting that you are communicating to your physical bodysubjectively to instruct it to breath in every moment, and it does.In moving your attention to the inner landscape, you are notfocusing your attention upon the area of your physical body thatyou have generated a manifestation within that you dislike;therefore, you are not concentrating upon it. You are moving yourattention to an interaction of a landscape that appears to beentirely unrelated to your physical body consciousness, but this isan intentional objective manner in which you are expressing acommunication to your physical body consciousness, which yoursubjective awareness translates with the intention that youwant.
Remember, the objective and the subjective move in harmony andneither follows the other. They move in harmony. Therefore, if thesubjective is moving in one direction, the objective is also; ifthe objective is moving in one direction, the subjective is also.If you are objectively concentrating upon dis-ease, the subjectivecommunicates to the body consciousness and creates that. Itinstructs to create that. If you are not concentrating objectivelyupon dis-ease, the subjective reflects that also and instructs thephysical body consciousness to function in different manners, andthat alters the manifestation or the dis-ease.
That is the point of the inner landscape. You are engaging theobject of the inner landscape, the animal, as your champion. Theanimal is you, it is your gladiator, and within the animal’senvironment is the manifestation that you wish to alter. But you donot create the manifestation in the landscape as some imagery thatyou shall associate with in a negative manner. Therefore, theobject of the dis-ease, so to speak, becomes perhaps insects thatthe animal finds delicious. Therefore, it is an element that ispleasing to the animal. Or perhaps it is beautiful ripe fruits thatthe animal revels in, and therefore, the animal naturally consumesthese beautiful fruits. The animal is engaging a natural action andis generating an action that you may view as playful and pleasing.The animal may also be challenged by other creatures which areother elements of the dis-ease, and in those challenges, the animalis expressing its strength. It may also be presented in itsenvironment with an infant animal, and therefore, it is allowed toexpress a gentleness and a nurturing.
All of the elements in the environment that the animal interactswith are all different aspects of the dis-ease. This allows you tocreate imagery that is nurturing, is supportive, is trusting, isgenerating strength, and is also expressing a playfulness; which,all of those actions are contrary to the expressed energy ofdis-ease. Therefore, all of those energies dissipatedis-ease.
Question: For what period of time do we do this? Do we do this forten minutes, an hour or two hours?
It is unnecessary to be engaging lengthy time periods. You mayincorporate several of your minutes, whatever you are mostcomfortable with. Some individuals enjoy playing within the innerlandscape and may choose to be engaging somewhat of a longer timeframework, perhaps twenty or thirty of your minutes, but that isnot necessary. It is merely a matter of preference. I also suggestthat individuals initially allow themselves to engage briefly theirinner landscape, perhaps two or three times within each day, andsubsequently generate less times of incorporating the innerlandscape within a particular day. But initially, it is beneficialand reinforcing if you engage the action briefly several timeswithin one day. That allows you to become more familiar with theaction, more comfortable with the action, and it also interruptsyour concentration upon the actual dis-ease. The more you interruptthe concentration upon the dis-ease, the less you reinforcecreating it.
版权所有:Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka 巴夏 经由 达里尔安卡 传送

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