
关于Karl Barry Sharpless 的一只眼睛是怎么瞎的

 昵称20927193 2016-05-08
这一阵子安全事故不断, 先是UCLA翻叔丁基锂旧账, 然后是Scripps氟化氢气瓶泄漏, 学术圈里面又开始搅安全话题了. 天王同学无意提到了KBS的一只眼睛是瞎的, 就废了点劲儿找到了这篇KBS的自白~~~

原文出处: http://web./newsoffice/1992/safety-0311.htm

The following essay was written some time ago, but continues to pop up on laboratory doors around MIT, most recently at the Ceramics Processing Research Laboratory where it was read by a Tech Talk reporter. It is reprinted here with Dr. Sharpless' permission in an effort to reach everyone in the MIT community. Dr. Sharpless was a long-time member of the MIT faculty, last holding the Arthur C. Cope Professorship in Chemistry. He is now at the Scripps Research Institute in California.

Many of you may know that I was blinded in one eye during a lab accident in 1970, shortly after I arrived at MIT as an assistant professor. I always wore glasses whenever I was at my bench, and while I felt I conscientiously observed safety measures, my experience proves one can't be too cautious about wearing safety glasses.

许多人都知道, 在我1970年到MIT当助教授以后, 在一次早期实验室事故中弄瞎了一只眼睛. 我在工作台上总是戴着防护镜, 而我通过安全审查之后我的经验告诉我不需要对戴防护镜太在意.

As I prepared to go home from the lab during the early hours of the morning of the accident, I looked in the bays to see what my co-workers were doing, and then returned to my own bench, removed my safety glasses, and put on my parka. As I was walking to the door, I passed the bench where a first-year graduate student was flame-sealing an NMR tube. I asked how it was going, and he replied, "Good, I've got it sealed."

那天早上我正准备回家 (一擦, AP也要干通宵么), 看看我的同事们在干什么之后 (二擦, 集体通宵, 这是nP么) 我回到了我的工作台上, 然后去掉了防护镜, 穿上外套. 当我走过一个一年级研究生的工作台时 (再三擦, 一年级就通宵么), 这个小子正在用火焰封核磁管. 我问他做得怎么样, 他说封的还不错.

He was sealing off the tube at atmospheric pressure under a flow of nitrogen gas while cooling the tube in a liquid nitrogen bath, a technique neither of us had performed before. Nor, I regret to say, had we looked up the procedure, which we subsequently discovered to be incorrect.

他封核磁管的方法有点奇怪, 在大气压下密封, 通了氮气流同时还把核磁管浸在了液氮里面冷却. 事后我们讨论的结果是该方法有误.

I stopped by his bench, picked up the tube from the bath, and held it to the light. The tube immediately frosted over, and, as I wiped it to better see the contents, I noticed that the solvent level was exceedingly high. Suddenly the solvent level dropped several inches. Though I instantly realized condensed oxygen had been sealed in the NMR tube, I was quite literally unable to move a muscle before it exploded. Glass fragments shredded my cornea, penetrated the iris, and cause the partial collapse of one eye. My only other injuries were superficial face cuts.

我在他的工作台上面停下来, 拿起核磁管对灯光看. 核磁管迅速结霜, 我把霜抹掉之后发现样品量太大. 这时核磁管里面的样品液面迅速下降. 我意识到核磁管里面有冷凝的氧气 (液氮能够冷却液氧, 液氧在手温下气化膨胀了), 但这是我的反应来不及在核磁管爆炸之前把它挪开. 玻璃碎片粉碎 (注意, 是粉碎, 不是简单的锐利穿刺) 了我的眼角膜, 穿透了视网膜明且导致那只眼球部分被碓爆了. 另外我的脸被割伤了.

My first two weeks at Mass Eye & Ear were spent totally immobilized and with both eyes bandaged. The pain was terrific, but my fear was even greater: I had been warned that when my eyes were uncovered there was a small chance I might blind in both eyes due to "sympathetic ophthalmia." Because eyes are walled off from the rest of the body in utero, eye protein driven into the blood stream can raise an immune response that leads to the "killing" of the uninjured eye. My disappointment at having no functional vision in my injured eye was, needless to say, surpassed by my joy at retaining full vision in my good eye.

在麻省眼耳科医院里, 最先的两个星期我完全不能行动而且两只眼睛都被包扎. 虽然这已经很疼了, 摘除纱布之后潜在的交感性眼炎才是更要命的: 我可能双眼失明, 尽管是小chance. 因为眼睛是包裹 (wall这个词儿还能这么用) 在眼腔里的 (in utero), 一只伤眼的组织进入血液之后可能导致免疫反应进而弄瞎另外一只正常的眼睛. 虽然伤眼的视力再也没有恢复, 但是能够保持另外一只眼睛的视力已经使我大喜过望了. (大神您又可以去钓鱼了么)

The lesson to be learned from my experience is straightforward: there's simply never an adequate excuse for not wearing safety glasses in the laboratory at all times.

结论很明显: 进实验室就他妈的给我戴防护镜!!!!!!

A version of this article appeared in the March 11, 1992 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 36, Number 23).

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