问题:将两个已排序数组合并成一个排序数组 这里先不考虑大数据量的情况(在数据量很大时不知大家有什么好的思路或方法?),只做简单数组的处理。 简单代码如下: 说明:之所以把merge函数定义成返回数组长度,是因为后续会有重复数据合并功能的merge版本,考虑到接口一致性。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>
int merge(int* ar1, int len1, int* ar2, int len2, int** rtn) /*++ DeScription: This routine merge two sorted arrays into one sorted array, the same values in different arrays will be keeped.
Arguments: ar1 - The first sorted array to be merged len1 - The num of items in ar1 ar2 - The second sorted array to be merged len2 - The num of items in ar2 rtn - The caller proviced pointer to get the result array, memory allocated for rtn should be free by the caller.
Return Value: The num of items in the merge array --*/ { int i=0,j=0,k=0; int m=0; int* res = NULL;
if (ar1 == NULL || ar2 == NULL || rtn == NULL) { return 0; }
*rtn = (int *)malloc((len1+len2)*sizeof(int)); if(*rtn == NULL) { return 0; } memset(*rtn, 0, (len1+len2)*sizeof(int)); res = (int*)*rtn;
while(i<len1 && j<len2) { if (ar1[i]<=ar2[j]) { res[k++] = ar1[i++]; } else { res[k++] = ar2[j++]; } }
while(i<len1) { res[k++] = ar1[i++]; } while(j<len2) { res[k++] = ar2[j++]; }
return len1+len2; }
int merge_test() { int a1[] = {0,1,2,5,8,19,34,43,52}; int a2[] = {1,4,5,12,17,33,42,51,53,65,76}; int len1 = sizeof(a1)/sizeof(int); int len2 = sizeof(a2)/sizeof(int); int i = 0, len = 0; int* a3 = NULL; int* ptr = NULL;
len = merge(a1, len1, a2, len2, &a3); if (a3 == NULL) { printf("a3==NULL\n"); return 1; }
ptr = a3; while(i<len) { printf("a3[%3d]---->%8d\n", i++, *ptr++); }
if (a3 != NULL) { free(a3); }
return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { merge_test();
return 0; }