
天啦噜 CV居然是拉丁文!

 安吉丽娜朱棣 2016-05-17



1. per se [,p?:'sei] 本身,本质上

【释义】Per se means 'by itself' or 'in itself,' and is used when you are talking about the qualities of one thing considered on its own, rather than in connection with other things. 也就是切身,本质上的意思。

【例句】I don't work out per se, but I'm very active physically. 我本身不锻炼,但我体能上很有力。

2. status quo ['ste?t?s 'kw?u] 原状,现状

【释义】The status quo is the state of affairs that exists at a particular time, especially in contrast to a different possible state of affairs.中文意思是现状。

【例句】By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo. 联盟以492票对391票投票决定维持现状。

3. bona fide [,b?un?'faidi] 真实的

【释义】If something or someone is bona fide, they are genuine or real.


【例句】We are happy to donate tobona fide charitable causes. 我们很乐意向真正的慈善事业捐赠。

4. ad hoc [,?d'h?k] 临时特设的

【释义】An ad hoc activity or organization is not planed on advance, but is done or formed only because a particular situation has made it necessary.

【解释】这个词主要和committees搭配,指的是针对一些临时出现的问题进行的专门针对性的组织。比如某地发生了地震,我们临时成立的抗争救灾小组就可以说是ad hoc committees。

【例句】'I would accept opportunities in TV on an ad hoc basis,' he said. “在特别需要时我会接受在电视上露面的机会,”他说道。

5. vice versa [,vaisi'v?:s?] 反之也成立,反之亦然

【释义】Vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true. For example, 'women may bring their husbands with them, and vice versa' means that men may also bring their wives with them.

【例句】They want to send students from low-income homes into more affluent neighborhoods and vice versa. 他们想把来自低收入家庭的学生送到较为富裕的地区,反之亦然。

6. a priori (或apriori)['eiprai'?:rai] 推理的,想当然的

【释义】An a priori argument, reason, or probability is based on an assumed principle or fact, rather than on actual observed facts.

【解释】本词前边的字母a并非是表单数的不定冠词,因此本词非常有趣的一点是尽管前面有字母a,但后面依然可以跟复数名词。比如a priori statements。


A priori mathematics, according to Galileo, does not the need for observation, but mathematics does allow us to deduce unobservable properties and thus to penetrate further into the structure of nature than observation does.

A. address

B. acknowledge

C. obviate

D. diminish

E. displace

F. appreciate


de facto

de rigueur



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