
班蘭咖椰 ~ Homemade Pandan Kaya

 anko4768 2016-06-15


材料:3 粒蛋 (大 )
250g  細糖
350ml   椰漿
8片 香蘭葉 ( 我用13片)

 做法 :

1. 把椰漿和切碎的香蘭葉放進攪拌機里攪碎。過濾.
2. 蛋稍微打散, 加入糖, 輕輕拌勻直到糖融化 .
3. 把 (1)和 (2)混合一起, 攪勻。過濾, 然後放進一個大碗里。
4. 把大碗放入另一個裝有水的容器 , 開小火。 不斷的攪拌。
5. 大概用至少一個小時的時間。 等冷卻后才裝進瓶子放入冰箱。
 ** 過了 45分鐘后,就要加以注意pandan糊了。蛋糊容易變粗。不停手的攪拌至煮好為止。

** 因為冷卻后的加央會比較濃, 所以要掌握好熄火的時間。

 Homemade Pandan Kaya

Ingredients :3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
250g caster sugar
350ml coconut milk
8 pcs pandan leaves / screwpine leaves ( I used 13 pieces )

 Method :
1 . Blend pandan leaves and coconut milk in a blender. Strain to discard pulp.

2. Add sugar into beaten eggs, use a hand whisk to stir mixture until sugar dissolves (Do not beat but lightly stir !! )

3. Add mixture (1) into mixture (2) became kaya mixture. Stir and mix well  .

4. Sift the kaya mixture into another mixing bowl (stainless steel preferred). Place mixing bowl over another pot of boiled water on low heat, stir kaya mixture occasionally. (Do not stop too long, 1-2mins intervals) .

5.It took at least 1 hour to cook till desired thickness.  Store kaya in sterilized glass jar (boil glass jar in boiling water for about 5 minutes) and keep in the fridge after completely cool down.

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