

 柔轩书屋 2016-07-27


          vt. 1.使气馁;使沮丧;使泄气;使丧失信心2.阻碍;劝阻


  •       1 The school teachers discourage smoking.


  •       2 Since 1982, the government has encouraged the installation of a piped gas supply in new buildings to discourage further growth in the use of LPG cylinders in domestic dwellings.


  •       3 They keep prices highto discourage eating.


  •       4 The Financial Secretary has, therefore, today asked the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to use the Exchange Fund to take appropriate measures in the stock and futures markets to counter these speculative activities. These measures seek to increase the cost of speculation and hence discourage speculators from mounting similar attacks.


  •       5 The path we are taking will be tortuous, and it will be hard to avoid mistakes, but we shall do our best to learn quickly from experience and to make no major mistakes. More important, we shall not allow minor reverses to discourage us from moving boldly forward.


  •       6 Italian Premier Romano Prodi launches a worldwide campaign to discourage capital punishment, a plan that is currently applauded by 95 countries within the United Nations.


  •       7 Olive beneficial to the circulatory : can prevent arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis complications, hypertension, heart disease, Heart failure, renal failure, cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis reduce the probability and improve the digestive functions : it is to reduce gastric acid, discourage gastritis and ulcer disease, and other functions.


  •       8 A person or group of persons stationed outside a place of employment, usually during a strike, to express grievance or protest and discourage entry by nonstriking employees or customers.


  •       9 Understand this truth, and you will know why it is essential for you to encourage the positive emotions as dominating forces of your mind, and discourage and eliminate negative emotions.

          对你来说,要多鼓励正面的情绪,让正面的情绪成为你心 中主导的力量,是很重要的。另一方面,也有必要击退,甚至 消除负面的情绪。

  •       10 6 there are several reasons why he no longer appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be, an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself,he has a tendency toward megalomania.


  •       11 This is why, in some countries, the government controls the installment plan by fixing the proportion of the down payment and the succeeding installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.


  •       12 This complexity is a result of economic engineering through tax laws; laws not specifically designed to provide revenue but to encourage/discourage specific economic activity.5.Conclusion


  •       13 We should discourage this practice among our youth.


  •       14 This will not discourage me from embarking on another journey to continue the wandering life once more.


  •       15 They still try to discourage intermarriage, but once it occurs, they tend to welcome new interfaith families.


  •       16 I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people from smoking.


  •       17 discourage sb. from doing sth.


  •       18 Don't let one failure discourage you.


  •       19 I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.


  •       20 We tried to discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide .


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