
【娱乐】尼日利亚戏剧走向世界@Miss Q|0726

 看风景xx 2016-07-29



Nolly good: Nigerian theatre goes global

The riotous Afrobeat musical “Wakaa!” took Lagos by storm last year; this week, it becomes the first Nigerian production to transfer to London’s West End. It paints a cheerfully satirical portrait of modern Nigeria through the stories of young graduates navigating life after university—a struggle its producer Bolanle Austen-Peters hopes will appeal equally to a British audience. Backing it are giants of African enterprise, including Mixta Africa, a Nigerian-owned real-estate firm and MTN, a South African telecoms company. In April Ifeoma Fafunwa’s “Hear Word! Naija Women Talk True” had its American premiere at Harvard University. On the silver screen a feature film, “93 Days”, about Nigeria’s brush with the Ebola crisis, will screen later this year, starring Nollywood sweetheart Bimbo Akintola and veteran American actor Danny Glover. These are not just productions: the west African country is proving its dramatic credentials on the world stage.


riotous: adj.狂欢的

Afrobeat: n.非洲节拍(音乐)

take something by storm: 完全征服

paint a portrait: 刻画肖像

satirical: adj.讽刺的

navigate: vt.定位、导航

have premiere: 举行首映(演)

feature film: n.故事片

veteran: adj.经验丰富的

credential: n.证书、凭证


What Is Life Really Like In Nigeria?

Nigeria is a land aching to reap the benefits of a modern world, but it’s also riddled with inequality, unemployment and terror groups.


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“Victory awaits him

who has everything in

order—luck, people

call it.”

Roald Amundsen

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