

 小功架 2016-08-08


6-1. Introduction
   Leg hooking is a major technique used in San Shou Kuai Jiao. It is very effective and minimizes the use of energy to take down an opponent. Also, leg hooks are hard to detect in close range situations because fighters tend to pay more attention to an opponent's hands. If you can distract your opponent with your hands, or if you have the opportunity to control your opponent's hand(s), the chance to use a successful leg hooking technique increases.
   There are many different types of hooking techniques available in San Shou Kuai Jiao. You can hook an opponent from a standing or kneeling position. Normally, you use the foot or lower leg to hook an opponent's leg or ankle. In many applications, hooking is used as a leg block, and sometimes serves to control a leg attack or to immobilize an opponent.
   In many applications, kicking techniques are executed along with hooking techniques. This combination, known as Hook Kicking, is used to lock and uproot your opponent simultaneously. Hook kicks usually target the ankles and lower legs. In general, hook kicks have more power than just a leg hook, so your opponent goes down harder.
   But whether hooking or hook kicking, keep in mind that hand techniques are vital to the success of a throw. A hooking technique needs the hands to control an opponent's body. The hand techniques often used along with the hooking techniques are pulling, pushing and thrusting. The hand techniques must have enough power to make the throw effective. Another important element is that the hand(s) and leg(s) must coordinate when executing hooking techniques. Also, the direction of the applied force of the technique must be correct. Generally speaking,the force applied by the hand(s) is in the opposite direction of the hooking leg or foot. This provides maximum symmetry power.
   In this chapter we will introduce various types of hooking techniques widely used in fighting. Some of these techniques are suitable for tall and strong people who can take advantage of their longer arms, legs and strength. Examples of these techniques are #2,8,9,10. Other techniques are best suited for smaller and quicker people. Examples of these types of techniques are #4,6,7.
6-2. Leg Hooking Techniques
1.  Lifting the Elbow, Hooking the Ankle Throw扛肘摔
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with a right hand punch to White's head. White moves his head to the right to evade the punch and at the same time uses his left hand to block and grab Gray's right wrist (Figure 6-1).
   b).ln a continuous motion, White thrusts his right forearm under Gray's armpit, bends his elbow and lifts upward. At the same time, White steps forward with his right foot and hooks it behind Gray's left ankle (Figure 6-2).


   c). White twists his hip from left to right. Using his left hand, White pulls Gray's right arm down while continuing to lift at the armpit. White simultaneously hooks the left ankle upward. This makes Gray fall backward over White's right leg (Figure6-3).
Key Points
   a). You should pivot to the left on your left foot before you step forward. This will set up a good angle to execute the throw.
   b).Lifting with your right arm, hooking the foot, and twisting your hips from left to right should happen simultaneously.
   c).Throughout the throw, your left leg should be bent for good root and balance.

2.  Seizing the Upper Arm, Leg Hooking Throw拿臂撮摔
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White raises both arms and blocks the punch from left to right. At the same time, White uses his right hand to grab Gray's left wrist or sleeve, and uses his left hand to grab Gray's upper arm (Figure 6-4).


   b).White uses both hands to pull Gray's arm downward to the right and hooks the outside of Gray's left ankle with his right foot (Figure 6-5).
   c).White continues to pull while lifting Gray's left foot. Gray falls sideways to his left (Figure 6-6).
Key Points
   a). Pivot to the left on your left foot before you step forward. This will set up a good angle to execute the throw.
   b).During the throw, push and press on your opponent's right arm to your right.
   c).Your left foot should be bent to keep good root and balance throughout the technique.


3. Picking Up the Leg Throw撿腿摔(勾)
   a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White blocks the punch with both hands and follows by grabbing Gray's shirt at the chest or right shoulder and pulling him forward (Figures 6-7 and 6-8).
   b). Gray resists and tries to pull backward. While Gray struggles, White slips his right foot forward and behind Gray's right ankle, lifts his foot up, and catches it with his left hand (Figure 6-9).
   c). As White lifts Gray's right leg, he pushes Gray's chest with his right hand to make Gray fall backward (Figure 6-10).
Key Points
   a). Keep your left leg bent for good rooting.
   b). All the movements must be done quickly and continuously so your opponent has no chance to stabilize himself.
   c).The final push must be forceful and strong


4、Hooking the Leg Throw  勾带脚
   a). With his left foot forward Gray attacks with a right punch. White blocks with his left hand and slides his right foot behind Gray's left ankle. White's right hand is free to strike Gray in the face or block an attack (Figure 6-11).
   b).White steps backward with his left foot while pulling Gray's right arm down and forward. Simultaneously, White hooks Gray's right foot and drags it forward to take him down(Figures 6-12,6-13 and 6-14).

Key Points
   a). Step backward as far as possible to create more distance to drag the leg.
   b).When hooking and dragging your opponent's foot, your other leg must be bent for good root and balance.



5. Hook Kicking, Leg Sweeping Throw勾踢殺腳腿
   a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White moves his head slightly to the left and blocks with his right hand, and extends his left hand to shield then grab Gray's right elbow. Simultaneously, White executes a right hook kick to Gray's right lower leg (Figure 6-15).


   b). Gray detects the kick and lifts his right leg to avoid it (Figure 6-16).
   c). White pivots to the left on the ball of his left foot and extends his right foot to the back of Gray's left leg (Figures 6-17).
   d). Continuing the above movement, White twists counter-clockwise and uses his right leg to sweep Gray's supporting leg.Simultaneously, White strikes Gray with his right arm across
the upper body to make him fall (Figure 6-18).


Key Points
   a). For good balance, keep your left knee bent when pivoting to the left.
   b). The sweep must be powerful and coordinated with the upper body.
6.  Lower Inner Hooking Throw小得合
   a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White blocks the punch with his left hand then grabs the wrist. At the same time, White strikes Gray in the arm or face with his right hand (Figure 6-19).
   b). Next, White curls his right leg outside and around Gray's right foot while lowering himself to the ground to hook Gray at the ankle. White keeps his right knee touching the ground in a kneeling position, and controls Gray's right arm by pulling it downward (Figure 6-20).
   c). White uses his right lower leg to pinch Gray's ankle, and then strikes Gray's thigh with an elbow or shoulder to make Gray fall on his back (Figures 6-21 and 6-22).
Key Points
   a). After hooking your opponent's leg, you must squat down and strike his leg as quickly as possible.
7. Hook Kicking, Lower Inner Hooking Throw  勾踢小得舍
   a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White blocks his attack with both hands, from left to right. Simultaneously, White executes a hook kick to Gray's right lower leg with his right foot (Figure 6-23).
   b).lf Gray withdraws his right foot to evade the kick and steps back, White hops one step forward with his left leg (Figure 6-24).



   c). White then squats on his left leg, hooks his right leg around Gray's lower left leg, and squeezes. White's right knee touches the ground in a kneeling position. With his left hand White pulls Gray's right arm downward to control its movement (Figure 6-25).
d). White then grabs Gray's left leg with his left hand and uses his right elbow to strike and press downward on Gray's upper thigh to make him fall on his back (Figures 6-26 and 6-27).


Key Points
   a). After hooking your opponent's leg, you must quickly strike and knock him over.
8.  Pulling the Neck, Hook Kicking Throw拔頸勾踢
   a). With his right foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White blocks to the left with the left hand and grabs Gray's forearm or wrist (Figure 6-28).
   b).White extends his right hand past Gray's right shoulder and hooks the back of his neck. White pulls Gray's head back and downward to the right. Simultaneously, White uses his right leg to execute the hook kick to Gray's front leg to make him fall (Figures 6-29 and 6-30).


Key Points
   a). Your supporting left leg should stay bent when executing the technique.
   b).Before you kick, make sure your opponent's body is off balance and leaning forward to his left, with most of his body weight on the front leg.
   c). Kick and pull simultaneously.
9.  Outside Suspending the Leg Hooking Throw外勾挂
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with his left hand. White blocks to the right with his right hand and grabs Gray's forearm. White slips his left foot forward and places it in front of Gray's left foot to close the distance (Figure 6-31).
   b). White then uses his right foot to hook the hollow of Gray's left knee. At the same time, White strikes with his left elbow and presses forward against the neck or chest. His right hand keeps pulling Gray to the rear (Figure 6-32).


   c). As Gray loses his balance, White continues to hook Gray's left leg up and towards him. White pulls and presses and then turns his body quickly to the right to topple Gray (Figure 6-33).
Key Points
   a). The pulling, pressing and hooking movements must happen simultaneously.
   b). Keep your left knee bent for good balance
10、 Pulling, Hook Kicking Throw拉拉勾踢
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with his left hand. White blocks the attack with his left hand, grabs the wrist, and uses his right hand to strike Gray's upper arm (Figure 6-34).
   b). White then jerks Gray's arm down and uses his right hand to grab Gray's shirt. Simultaneously, he steps in with his right leg and hooks Gray's left leg upward (Figure6-35).
   c). White pulls Gray backward while hooking up and to the left to make Gray fall on his back (Figure 6-36).


Key Points
   a). Block to the outside when your opponent strikes at you.
   b).The pull and the hook kick must be strong and simultaneous.
ll. Chopping. Hook Kicking Throw劈掌勾踢
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White blocks with his left hand and then grabs Gray's wrist(Figure 6-37).
   b).With his left foot, White pivots slightly to the left for better balance and pulls Gray closer. White then chops with his right hand to the right side of Gray's neck while using his right foot to kick and hook Gray's left leg. Gray's body weight is on his left foot and leaning forward (Figure 6-38).


   c). White's chopping hand presses downward to the right while his leg hooks upward to knock Gray on his back (Figure 6-39).
Key Points
   a). When kicking, keep your supporting leg slightly bent for good balance.
12. Holding the Leg, Chopping the Neck and Hook Kicking Throw摟腿劈掌勾踢
   a). Gray throws a right roundhouse kick to White's left. White uses the Palm and Elbow Crossing Method (left arm slightly bent with the elbow pointing out, the right palm facing outward and leaning against the left upper arm) to intercept his kick (Figure 6-40).
   b). White then scoops his left hand outward and upward to catch Gray's leg and destroy his balance. White extends his right leg to kick and hook Gray's left foot, and chops Gray's neck with his right palm (Figure 6-41).
   c). White continues to lift Gray's leg, and then presses forward,
    using the hook to keep Gray from moving his leg. Gray then
    topples to the side (Figure 6-42).


Key Points
   a).After catching your opponent's kicking leg, step forward with your left foot to get the correct distance the throw.

   b). Lift the kicking leg as high as you can to keep your opponent off balance.
13. Lifting the Elbow, Hooking Sideways Throw扛肘勾踢
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with his right hand. White moves his head to the right to avoid the punch. At the same time he blocks with the left hand and grabs Gray's wrist (Figure 6-43).
   b). White pulls Gray's right arm down and pivots his left foot to the left. Then White uses his right arm to scoop under Gray's right armpit. Simultaneously he kicks and hooks Gray's left ankle with his right (Figure 6-44).


   c). White hooks the leg upward and lifts Gray up and to the right. Simultaneously, White twists to the right to uproot and throw Gray to the ground (Figure 6-45).
Key Points
   a). Make sure you have the right distance so you can hook your opponent's front leg.
   b). Throughout the technique, keep your left foot well bent for good root and balance.
14. Suspending the Leg Hook, Striking the Back Throw 勾掛砸背
   a). Gray attacks with a right hook to the head. White quickly
squats down to evade the attack, his left foot forward and to the right of Gray (Figure 6-46).
   b).White then springs up on Gray's right side and extends his right leg to hook and lock Gray's left leg. Simultaneously, White strikes Gray's back with an elbow (or both arms) and turns his body to the right to take Gray down (Figures 6-47 and 6-48).


Key Points
   a). When squatting down to evade your opponent's attack, keep your head low and always watch your opponent.
   b).You should spring up immediately after you dodge the right hook.
15. Suspending Leg Hook, Pushing the Shoulder Throw   勾挂擠靠
   a). With his left foot forward, Gray attacks with a right punch to the head. White leans back slightly to dodge the attack. At the same time he blocks from left to right with both hands and grabs Gray's right arm (Figure 6-49).
    b). White extends his right leg to hook Gray's left ankle and uses his right hand to pull Gray downward (Figure 6-50).


    c). White slides his left hand forward to Gray's right shoulder Simultaneously, he hooks Gray's left foot up to the left, twists his body to the right, and pushes Gray's shoulder, causing Gray to fall to the left (Figure 6-51).
Key Points
    a). Keep your left leg bent throughout the throw
    b).You can step forward with your left foot to set up the correct distance for the throw.
16. Dodging, Hooking the Leg, and Pushing Throw閃身勾挂擠靠
    a). Gray attacks with a right lateral hook to the head. White squats down quickly to evade the attack, his left foot stepping forward to get close and to the right of Gray (Figure 6-52).



    b).White extends his right leg behind Gray's left ankle to hoot the ankle and prevent Gray from moving his foot away. Simultaneously, White springs up and uses both hands to strike Gray. White uses both hands and also his body to press and push Gray and knock him to the ground (Figures 6-53 and 6-54).
Key Points
    a). When squatting down to dodge the attack, keep your head low and always watch your opponent.
   b).When pushing your opponent, root your rear foot to the ground and drive forward from the back leg. This will create more power for the push.
17. Hooking the Front and Sweeping the Back Throw 前勾后掃
    a). Gray is in a fighting stance with his left foot forward. White initiates the attack by faking a right punch, and immediately follows the fake by executing a right hook kick at Gray's left ankle. Gray lifts his foot or steps back to evade White's attack (Figure 6-55).
    b).White drops to the floor, squatting on his right leg and supporting his body with both hands. White then spins his body to the left and uses his left leg to sweep Gray's ankle or lower leg to make him fall backward (Figures 6-56 and 6-57).


Key Points
    a). In order to sweep your opponent successfully, you must make full use of the body's spinning momentum by sweeping through your opponent's leg or legs.
    b). Avoid your opponent landing on your legs when he falls.


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