
H2 Mobility雄心勃勃,首批德国建百个加氢站;现代在德国总部建设加氢站

 刘真合 2016-08-13

首个H2 Mobility加氢站在德国伍珀塔尔正式对外开放,该加氢站将成为H2 Mobility德国加氢网络的示范站点。H2 Mobility首批计划建设100个加氢站,预计到2023年德国全国将有400个加氢站投入使用。

在过去,加氢站与燃料电池汽车之间存在着鸡与蛋谁先出现的问题。没有足够的燃料电池汽车在路上行驶,不足以支撑加氢站的运营。而加氢站不足,则会严重影响燃料电池汽车的普及。由Air Liquide, Daimler, Linde, OMV, Shell and Total联合组建的H2 Mobility公司,正在努力解决这一困局。该公司正计划到2023年在德国建设超过400座加氢站。

在过去十年,由多家公司联合组建的研究组织,Clean Energy Partnership,努力开发通用的加氢标准。新的加氢站就使用的相关的研究成果。新的技术被证明是可靠、安全的,可满足本地居民需求。汽车的加氢压力为700bar,加氢时间仅需4分钟。

H2 MOBILITY has ambitious plans to bolster hydrogen infrastructure in Germany

Several countries have begun to show strong support for hydrogen fuel cells, but few have been as aggressive in this effort as Germany. The country’s H2 MOBILITY initiative has been leading the charge for the development of a comprehensive hydrogen infrastructure and the adoption of fuel cell vehicles. While fuel cell vehicles are already available in limited supply, they do not have the support of a comprehensive fueling infrastructure, which may slow their adoption in the coming years.

400 hydrogen stations expected to be open to the public by 2023

By 2023, H2 MOBILITY plans to have installed 400 hydrogen fuel stations throughout Germany. These stations will exist as a comprehensive network that will provide national support for fuel cell vehicles. If successful, this initiative would make Germany home to the largest hydrogen fuel infrastructure in the world, which may also make it one of the most attractive clean transportation markets for automakers. Several of the world’s largest automakers plan to launch their fuel cell vehicles in the coming years, but may fail to find success if a fueling infrastructure is not available.

Hydrogen technologies are becoming more efficient and less costly

According to H2 MOBILITY, hydrogen-centric technology has been evolving at a rapid pace. Fuel cells are becoming less expensive and more efficient, while hydrogen production technologies are following the same trend. Compared to other forms of clean power, hydrogen remains somewhat costly. As the demand for hydrogen grows, however, the need for less expensive production methods and better fuel cells is becoming more apparent, pressuring many organizations to accommodate demand.

Germany continues to see growth in its already strong hydrogen fuel infrastructure

Germany is home to an already substantial hydrogen fuel infrastructure. The country has been bolstering this infrastructure over the past few years, hoping to pave the way for the arrival of fuel cell vehicles. Germany is heavily invested in clean transportation, believing that it can mitigate the impact of climate change by limiting the emissions produced by vehicles.


现代汽车将于欧洲总部建设新的加氢站,加氢站由Air Liquide和Clean Energy Partnership出资,由Air Liquide公司负责运营。得益于Air Liquide公司的高压加氢技术,驾驶员可以在三到五分钟内为燃料电池汽车补充氢气。作为首家在德国于公司内建设加氢站的汽车制造商,现代汽车公司一直致力于把零污染的燃料电池汽车普及到每一个人。

据悉,Air Liquide加氢站将使用700bar的加氢压力,新的技术标准大大缩短了加氢时间。此外,新技术可使得加氢罐容量被充分利用,使得燃料电池汽车的续航里程增加一倍。加氢站的日储氢量可达200kg,每天可以满足30辆汽车的加氢需求。


Clean Energy Partnership (CEP)于2002年组建,旨在推广环境友好的氢能燃料,并帮助欧盟达成2050年有害温室气体减排80%的目标,包括燃料电池汽车领域、氢能及基础设施领域和公共交通领域的20家公司将参与到提升氢能交通及氢能基础设施的工作中。




现代IX35燃料电池汽车是世界上第一辆量产和商业化的燃料电池汽车。现款的IX35燃料电池汽车已经是现代汽车的第四代燃料电池汽车。前三代分别为2000款Santa Fe FCEV,2004款Tucson FCEV,2012款ix35 FCEV。如今,有超过300辆现代IX35燃料电池汽车在欧洲12个国家行驶。IX35配备100kW的异步电机,最大扭矩可达300Nm。得益于其高效率,单箱氢气可续航594公里。

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