

 kurakimiki 2016-08-21

You Will Need:
Pair of size 3 (3.25 mm) needles
Pair of size 6 (4 mm) needles
Size 3 (3.25 mm) circular needle
5 (6 : 7) 2 oz (50 g) balls light worsted
knitting yarn in color A (green)
Oddment of light worsted knitting yarn in color B (white)
Oddment of light worsted knitting yarn in color C (black)
Tape measure
Stitch holders
17 small green buttons
Small amount of soft toy filling, approximately ? oz (15 g)
To Fit Sizes:
0–3 months: chest 16 in (41 cm)
3–6 months: chest 18 in (46 cm)
6–12 months: chest 20 in (51cm)
22 stitches and 30 rows to 4 in (10 cm), measured over stockinette stitch, using size 6 (4 mm) needles
Special Abbreviation:
mb—make bobble.
Work to bobble position; purl into the next stitch, then knit into the same stitch. Repeat once more, then purl once. You will have made five extra stitches.
Use the tip of the left-hand needle to pass the first four extra stitches over the last to form the looped bobble. Work to next bobble position, and repeat.
Back Legs (make 2 alike):
Using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A, cast on 16 (16: 18) sts.
Work in k1, p1 rib for 1? in (3 cm), ending with a rs row.
Increase row with ws facing: rib 4 (2: 3), then *m1, rib 1 st; rep from * to last 3 (2: 2) sts, m1, then rib to end. (26 [29: 32] sts.)
Change to size 6 (4 mm) needles, and cont in st st until work measures 8 (8?: 9?) in [20 (22: 24) cm] from cast-on edge, ending with a ws row.
Transfer sts to a stitch holder.
Join legs to form body: work across sts from one leg, then work sts held on stitch holder from the other leg.
Cont in st st on these 52 (58: 64) sts until work measures 8? (9: 9?) in [22 (23: 24) cm] from the crotch join, ending with a ws row.
Raglan Decrease:
Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 (2: 2) rows **, then dec 1 st at both ends of next and every alt row until there are 18 (20: 22) sts, ending with a ws row.
Leave sts on a stitch holder.
Work as back to **.
Divide for Front Opening:
With rs facing, begin raglan shaping as follows: dec 1 st, knit 18 (21: 24) sts, turn, and place the rem sts on a stitch holder. Work 1 row in st st.
Cont dec 1 st at same end of next and every alt row until there are 11 (12: 15) sts.
Work 1 row in st st.
Neckline Shaping:
With rs facing, dec 1 st, work to last 2 sts, dec 1 st.
Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 3 (4: 5) rows, while continuing the raglan shaping at the armhole edge. There are now 5 (4: 6) sts.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge only on rs rows until 2 sts rem.
Place rem 2 sts on a stitch holder.
Slip the sts for the right front from the stitch holder onto your needle, and rejoin col A.
Bind off the first 6 sts, then cont following pattern instructions to make the right front section, remembering to reverse the raglan and neckline shapings.
Place rem 2 sts on a stitch holder.
Sleeve (make 2 alike):
Using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A, cast on 26 (29: 31) sts.
Work in k1, p1 rib for 1? in (3 cm) ending with a rs row.
Increase Row with ws Facing:
First size: rib 3, then *m1, rib 3; rep from * to last 2 sts, inc 1 st, then rib to end. (34 sts.)
Second and third sizes: rib (3: 4), *inc 1 st, rib 3; rep from * to last (2: 3) sts, inc 1 st, rib to end.
There are now 34 (38: 40) sts.
Change to size 6 (4 mm) needles, and begin patt as follows:
Cont in st st for 4 rows.
Next row (bobble row): with rs facing, work 4 (6: 7) sts *mb, work 4 sts; rep from * to last 0 (2: 3) sts, k0 (2: 3).
Work 5 rows, then work bobble row, keeping bobbles in same position vertically.
Cont in patt.
Inc 1 st at both ends of 2nd (2nd: 2nd) row, then at both ends of every foll 6th (10th: 10th) row
until you have 40 (44: 48) sts. Work 5 (7: 9) rows.
Raglan Decrease:
Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st at both ends of next and every alt row until 6 sts remain.
Leave rem 6 sts on stitch holder.
With rs facing, using size 6 (4 mm) needles and col A, pick up and knit 10 (12: 14) sts up right front neck, k across sts on front and first sleeve stitch holders, across back neck work *k1, m1; rep from * to last st, k1, k across sts on second sleeve and front stitch holders, then pick up and k10 (12: 14) sts down left front neck.
(71 [79: 87] sts.)
Purl 1 row.
Cont in st st until hood measures 7 (7?: 8) in [18 (19: 20) cm], ending with a ws row, then bind off 22 (26: 30) sts at beg of next 2 rows.
With rs facing, cont on rem sts and patt as follows:
Cont in st st for 4 rows.
Next row: with rs facing, work 3 (3: 4) sts *mb, work 4 sts ; rep from * to last 4 (4: 4) sts, mb, work to end.
Work 5 rows, then work bobble row, keeping bobbles in same position vertically.
Cont in patt for a further 4? (5?: 6) in [11 (13:15) cm], ending with a ws row.
Bind off all sts, and fasten off securely.
Using a bodkin and col A, join hood seams.
Button Band and Buttonhole Band for Front Opening and Hood:
Using a size 3 (3.25 mm) circular needle, pick up and knit 17 (19: 19) sts along right front opening to neck, then 42 (46: 50) sts along right side ofhood to seam, 27 (27: 27) sts across hood center front to other seam, 42 (46: 50) sts down left side of hood, and 17 (19: 19) sts along left front opening.
Work in k1, p1 rib for 3 rows.
Buttonhole row: Rib 3 sts, *yrn, k2tog, rib 4; rep from * another 2 times, then rib to end.
Rib for 3 more rows, then bind off all sts in rib, and fasten off securely.
Button Band and Buttonhole Band for Leg Opening
Button Band:
With rs facing, using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A, pick up and knit 45 (51: 57) sts evenly along inside leg edge of back to crotch, beg at the ankle rib of the left leg, then pick up and knit 46 (52: 58) sts from crotch to the edge of the right ankle rib. Work in k1, p1 rib for 7 rows, then bind off all sts in rib, and fasten off securely.
Button Hole Band:
With rs facing, using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A, pick up and knit 45 (51: 57) sts evenly along inside leg edge of front to crotch, beg at the ankle rib of the right leg., then pick up and knit 46 (52: 58) sts from crotch down to the edge of the left ankle rib. Work in rib for 3 rows.
Buttonhole row: Rib 4, *yrn, k2tog, rib 5 (6: 7); rep from * to last 4 sts, yrn, k2tog, rib to end. Rib 3 more rows, then bind off all sts in rib, and fasten off securely.
Eyes and Eyelids (make 2 of each):
Using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A for eyelids (col B for eyes), cast on 18 (24: 30) sts.
Purl 1 row, then cont in st st for 6 (10: 12) rows.
Next row: *k1, k2tog; rep from * to end.
Break off yarn, then draw it through the rem sts, pull together tightly, and fasten off securely.
Nostrils (make 2):
Using size 3 (3.25 mm) needles and col A, cast on 15 (18: 21) sts. Purl 1 row, then cont in st st for 6 (8: 10) rows.
Next row: *k1, k2tog; rep from * to end.
Break off yarn, then draw it through rem sts, pull together tightly, and fasten off securely.
Sewing Together:
Join raglan, sleeve and side seams. Weave in all loose ends neatly on the reverse.
Overlap the bands and sew the lower edges to the bound-off edge at the center front opening.
Sew buttons onto lower left front side of button band to correspond with buttonholes.
Sewing Together Eyes and Eyelids:
Join eye seam, and stuff each with a small amount of toy filling. Sew the cast-on edges to the hood at the end of the seam near the crown. Take an eyelid, and wrap it around the back part of the eye, so that the cast-on edge forms the lid around the eye. Sew the other edge to the hood around the base of the eye.
Sewing Together Nostrils:
The cast-on edge represents the opening of each nostril; sew the other edge to the hood close to the seams at the front.
Weave in all loose ends neatly on the reverse. Finally, use a small amount of yarn in col C to make large stitches at the front of each eyeball to represent pupils.

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