
【中英双语】传喜法师:生命的成功和升华 (A Successful & Uplifted L...

 佛陀在我心中 2016-08-29


A Successful & Uplifted Life

       我们中国人很朴素的一个人生观,就是将心比心;己所不欲,勿施于人,把自己喜欢的给别人。 很多人说佛教是劝人为善,那什么是善?能替别人想,能把自己喜欢的,分享给别人,这就是善。什么是恶呢?以自我为中心,索取自己快乐的,不顾别人感受,就种下恶的因。

 A simple, traditional Chinese value is empathy. We try not to impose anything that we don’t like on others, whilst trying to offer what we like to others. It is said that a principal doctrine of Buddhism is to encourage people to perform virtuous deeds. But what does this mean exactly? It means being empathetic. What does ‘evil’ mean? It means being selfish and trying to acquire happiness at the expense of other sentient beings. Sowing the seeds of evil will certainly have bad effects.



If we see weeds growing in a field, we should remove them right away, otherwise they will compete with the crops for the limited nutrients in the soil and less food can be harvested. Likewise, we should never allow evil actions, words and thoughts to emerge if they have not already emerged, and should immediately stop those that have emerged. We should make virtue emerge if it has not already emerged, and maintain its growth. These are called ‘the four right efforts’.   


The law of cause and effect is not void – a virtuous cause will lead to a good effect and an evil cause will lead to a bad effect. Regardless of whether you have achieved your ambitions, whether you are rich or whether you have made a substantial contribution to the world, as a Buddhist, a successful life means being able to lead a life guided by Buddha-dharma. By doing so, we will be able to be reborn in a place of infinite light and joy, a place where we can continue to bring our lives to higher levels.




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