词汇!词汇!词汇! 记住这200个高级词汇! 1.词组:hygiene 释义:卫生 例句:Maxdoesn't care much about food hygiene. 2.词组:cooking utensils 释义:厨具 例句:Thishardware store offers a wide range of cooking utensils. 3.词组:be nutritious 释义:有营养的 例句:Rawvegetables are actually more nutritious than cooked vegetables. 4.词组:good nutrition 释义:让人保持健康的营养 例句:Morepeople attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care andbetter nutrition. 5.词组:fattening 释义:让人发胖的 例句:Take moreexercise and try to avoid fattening food.
6.词组:be in season 释义:水果蔬菜等当季的 例句:Strawberriesare in season. 7.词组:be out of season 释义:水果蔬菜等非当季的 例句:Thetechnological breakthrough will allow UK retailers to cut down on importingout-of-season pears from Spain. 8.词组:food supplies 释义:食品供应 例句:Fish werea vital commodity in growing towns and cities, where food supplies were aconstant concern. 9.词组:frozen food 释义:冷冻食品 例句:Manypeople feel that frozen food is inferior to fresh food. 10.词组:canned food 释义:罐装食品 例句:Cannedvegetables usually contain a lot of salt. 11.词组:TV dinner 释义:方便食品 例句:Somemanufacturers are trying to make TV dinners low in salt and additives-free.
12.词组:refreshments 释义:提神点心 例句:What canbe bought to cut down on the waste produced by staff refreshements? 13.词组:a wholesome diet 释义:有益健康的饮食 例句:Somepeople believe a salt-free diet is wholesome.
14.词组:an unhealthy diet 释义:不健康的饮食 例句:Publicawareness of the dangers of an unhealthy diet should be raised. 15.词组:greasy 释义:油腻的 例句:Evan canshed more pounds if he eats less greasy food. 16.词组:cut down on sth. 释义:减少 例句:My doctortold me to cut down on carbohydrates. 17.词组:intake 释义:摄入量 例句:Rubyshould reduce her intake of salt and sugar.
18.词组:a fast food junkie 释义:吃垃圾食品上瘾的人 例句:Fast foodjunkies should be made aware of the psychological reasons for fast food addiction.
19.词组:dietary habits 释义:饮食习惯 例句:Dietaryhabits can be very difficult to change. 20.词组:eating disorder 释义:饮食紊乱 例句:The family have a history of eating disorder. 21.词组:trace elements 释义:微量元素 例句:Iron andzinc are two important trace elements that the human body needs. 22.词组:protein-rich 释义:富含蛋白质的 例句:Manydieticians believe that protein-rich diets are best at keeping weight off. 23.词组:have a sweet tooth 释义:喜欢吃甜食 例句:I can’tresist cakes and candy bars because I have a sweet tooth. 24.词组:be a gourmet 释义:一个美食家 例句:Molly isa gourmet, an excellent judge of food and drinks. 25.词组:be mouth-watering 释义:让人垂涎欲滴的 例句:She gaveme a recipe for the mouth-watering chocolate cakes. 26.词组:be disgusting 释义:非常难吃的 例句:Thefrozen food at that restaurant was disgusting. 27.词组:hand-me-downs 释义:亲人穿过的旧衣服 例句:I had towear my brother's hand-me-downs. 28.词组:tattered clothing 释义:破旧的衣服 例句:He was anold man in a tattered grey coat.
29.词组:dress for success 释义:穿着决定成功 例句:Noah is afirm believer in dressing for success. 30.词组:dress for comfort 释义:穿衣要着重舒适 例句:Don'tdress for style. Dress for comfort.
31.词组:sb. has impeccable taste inclothing 释义:衣着很有品味 例句:Brandonis well-known for his impeccable taste in clothing.
32.词组:tacky clothing 释义:没品位的服装 例句:Revealingclothing would be too tacky and impolite for such a formal occasion. 33.词组:Clothes make the man. 释义:人要衣装 例句:Scarletbelieves that if clothes make the man, then it is shoes that define the woman. 34.词组:casual clothes 释义:休闲服装 例句:Mariahlikes to wear casual clothes. 35.词组:dressy clothes 释义:正式的服装 例句:Youngpeople who want to express themselves through clothing may find dressy clothesboring. 36.词组:elegant clothes 释义:优雅的服饰 例句:Janelikes to wear elegant clothes and expensive accessories. 37.词组:fashion-conscious 释义:对时尚敏感的 例句:Bailey isvery fashion-conscious.
38.词组:a fashion victim 释义:过度追求时尚的受害者 例句:Blake isin danger of becoming a fashion victim. 39.词组:breathable clothing 释义:透气的衣服 例句:I'mtrying to find more breathable clothing for the humid weather. 40.词组:waterproof clothes 释义:防水的衣服 例句:Waterproof clothes are the best way to deal with rainy days. 1.词组:tranquil and serene 释义:宁静的 例句:It's agorgeous hotel in a tranquil and serene rural setting. 2.词组:hustle and bustle 释义:熙熙攘攘 例句:Jameswanted a little cottage far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 3.词组:relieve stress 释义:减轻压力 例句:These stressmanagement exercises can help you relax your muscles and relieve your stress. 4.词组:be stressed out 释义:压力太大几乎崩溃 例句:Jaydenwas really stressed out before the test. 5.词组:be dotted with 释义:点缀着 例句:Thecountryside is dotted with elegant buildings. 6.词组:snow-capped mountains 释义:顶部有雪的山 例句:With itssnow-capped mountain ranges and gorgeous glens, Scotland is an exciting placeto visit. 7.词组:winding paths 释义:蜿蜒的小径 例句:There wasa long and winding path leading up to the cottage. 8.词组:gentle rolling hills 释义:起伏的山丘 例句:Englandhas an abundance of gentle rolling hills. 9.词组:undulating 释义:起伏的 例句:This areais characterized by grassy undulating hills. 10.词组:iridescent 释义:色彩斑斓的 例句:Leo's latest fashion collection features materials that have aniridescent quality. 11.词组:shimmering 释义:闪烁的 例句:I couldsee my shimmering reflection from the water. 12.词组:awe-inspiring 释义:令人肃然起敬的 例句:Theyexplored the awe-inspiring mountains and abundant wildlife there. 13.词组:exhilarating 释义:令人兴奋的 例句:Thehustle and bustle of London is exhilarating. 14.词组:deciduous trees 释义:落叶树 例句:Manydifferent kinds of deciduous trees can be found on our campus. 15.词组:evergreen trees 释义:常青树 例句:Usingevergreen trees as Christmas trees has long been part of the culture of thecelebration of Christmas. 16.词组:vegetation 释义:植被 例句:I'd liketo see something about the local wildlife and vegetation. 17.词组:bouquet 释义:花束 例句:Brookewas presented with a big bouquet of roses. 18.词组:flowerbed 释义:花坛 例句:Thisflowerbed gives the garden a neat and pleasing appearance. 19.词组:foliage 释义:树叶 例句:This parkis renowned for the autumn foliage displays. 20.词组:bush 释义:灌木 例句:This areawas covered with bushes and grass. 21.词组:campground 释义:野营地 例句:It is apicturesque family campground. 22.词组:picturesque 释义:风景如画的 例句:Holly'sgardening skills will turn this backyard into a picturesque landscape.
23.词组:have green fingers 释义:擅长种植花草的 例句:Toby’sgot green fingers. Plants in his backyard are flourishing. 24.词组:crop yield 释义:农作物的产量 例句:Thefarmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop yield.
25.词组:natural resources 释义:自然资源 例句:By becomingmore efficient, businesses not only increase profits but they also save naturalresources. 26.词组:survival of the fittest 释义:适者生存 例句:Contraryto popular belief, the phrase “survival of the fittest” did not originate withCharles Darwin. 27.词组:crystal-clear 释义:透明清澈的 例句:The airwas crystal-clear.
28.词组:murky 释义:晦涩难懂的 例句:Thatmovie had a murky plot.
29.词组:come into bloom 释义:开花 例句:The rosescome into bloom at this time of year. 30.词组:bear fruit 释义:结出果实 例句:The agewhen trees are expected to bear fruit depends on the type of fruit you aregrowing. 31.词组:under construction 释义:正在建造中 例句:The hotelis still under construction. 32.词组:the building industry 释义:建筑行业 例句:Billyworks in the building industry. 33.词组:be dilapidated 释义:破旧不堪的 例句:Theabandoned building looks dilapidated.
34.词组:be a showcase for 释义:展示的橱窗 例句:Buildingsare showcases for the artistic achievement of citizens.
35.词组:represent sth. 释义:代表 例句:Thisbuilding is significant because its exterior represents an excellent example ofthe post-modern style of architecture.
36.词组:central location 释义:位于中心 例句:Whatabout the location? It'd be nice to be central. 37.词组:imposing 释义:壮观宏伟的 例句:Buckinghampalace is an imposing building and is always surrounded by huge crowds ofpeople. 38.词组:light and airy 释义:阳光充足通风良好的 例句:Our hotelroom was light and airy. 39.词组:be a very significantlandmark 释义:一个地标性建筑 例句:Thisbuilding is a very significant landmark in the neighbourhood. 40.词组:commercial building 释义:商业建筑 例句:The project aims to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. 长按指纹识别后关注我们
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