

 gbkY 2016-11-04


摄影师Jessica Dimmock是名摄影师兼电影制片人,她曾在汉普顿国际电影节荣获最佳摄影奖。Jessica出 版的第一本作品《九楼》在2007年荣获国际摄影奖项。作品讲述在曼哈顿富人区一个前百富翁Joe Smith出租他的公寓给一群年轻的隐君子,而Joe也因吸毒成隐家财散尽。

Jessica Dimmock, a New York City native, worked as a public school teacher in brooklyn before pursuing photography. Since graduating for the International Center of Photography, Jessica has won numerous international awards. Here is one of her series 'The Ninth Floor'.                                

The Ninth Floor documents a group of addicts who moved into the apartment of a former millionaire in a wealthy neighborhood in downtown Manhattan. Joe Smith, in his mid 60s, allowed a young addict to move into a spare bedroom in his large three-bedroom apartment in hopes of gaining rent. Several years later, a fully addicted Joe no longer had a bedroom and as many as 12 to 15 young addicts stayed at any given time. All electricity and hot water had been turned off and anything valuable had long been sold to feed habits.

This project documents the residents of this space leading up to their eviction and follows several of them after as they face jail and sickness, fight and love, attempt to get clean, sink deeper into addiction, go to jail, start families and struggle to survive.

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