

 OK外语角 2016-11-29


  (2011-08-20 12:29:03)


Lesson 1

Drills: 1. I’m (not) going to see a film this afternoon.
   2. Are you going to have geography this year?
   3. What’s Jane going to do this evening?
 Text: The New School Year
 Grammar: Be going to
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 2
 Drills: 1. When are you going to do your homework?
   2. Where are they going to have the match?
   3. Who’s going  to give the talk?
 Dialogue: What Are You Going to Do Tomorrow?
 Grammars: Members of the Sentence(I)
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 3
 Drills: 1. Can you skate? Yes, I can. 9No, I can’t.)
   2. I can’t be here so early.
   3. May I use your pen?
   4. Must I clean the room now? Yes, you must. (No, you needn’t.)
 Dialogue: At the Library
 Grammar: Kinds of Verbs
 Pronunciation and Intonation
 A Rhyme: My Book
Lesson 4
 Drills: 1. He was(They were) here a moment ago.
   2. Was your father at home last night? Yes, he was. (No, he wasn’t.)
   3. Were they busy yesterday evening? Yes, they were. (No, they weren’t.)
   4. When(Where) were you been?
 Dialogue:  A Telephone Call
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 5
 Drills: 1. I got up at six this morning. I didn’t get up so early.
   2. Did your father go to work early yesterday? Yes, he did. (No, he didn’t.)
   3. What did you do after school?
 Text: The Artist
 Grammar: The Past Indefinite Tense
 Pronunciation and Intonation
 A Rhyme: Do Your Best
Lesson 6
 Drills: 1. What day was yesterday? What was the date?
   2. How many classes did you have yesterday afternoon?
   3. Who did she go with?
   4. What time did they get to the zoo last Monday? How long did they stay there?
 Text: "The Moving Blackboard"
 Grammars: Members of the Sentence(II)
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 7
 Text: A Page from a Student’s Diary
Lesson 8 (Revision)
Lesson 9
 Drills: 1. Which picture is more beautiful?
   2. Which lesson is the most difficult in Book Two?
   3. Tom writes more carefully than Peter. He writes the most carefully in our class.
   4. Joan is as tall as Kate.
 Dialogue: The Moon
 Grammar: The Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs(II)
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 10
 Drills: 1. It was cold yesterday, wasn’t it? Yes, it was.
   2. You were tired after the sports meet, weren’t you? Yes, I was.
   3. You went home late yesterday, didn’t you? Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)
 Text: A Way Out
 Pronunciation and Intonation
 A Rhyme: Friendship
Lesson 11
 Drills: 1. I’ll wash the clothes after lunch.
   2. Will you be here this afternoon?
 Dialogue: Shopping
 Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 12
 Drills: 1. I(He, She, They) can work it out myself(himself, herself, themselves).
   2. Can you repair it yourself?
   3. We teach ourselves.
 Text: Two Friends and a Bear
 Grammar: The Reflexive Pronouns
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 13
 Drills: 1. I want to have a word with him.
   2. Please ask her to call me tomorrow.
   3. Can you come to see the film with me now?
 Text: Lenin and the Guard
 Grammar: The Infinitive(I)
 Pronunciation and Intonation
Lesson 14
 Text: The Story of Little Gauss
Lesson 15 (Revision)
Irregular Verbs
Supplementary Readings:
  1. What Am I?
  2. The Tiger and the Monkey
  3. A Surprise for Abe(I)
  4. A Surprise for Abe(II)


  It’s September, and we’re back at school. It’s good to see all my teachers and friends again. They all look fine.
  We’re in Grade Two this year. We’re going to have a new subject - physics. I hear physics isn’t easy. I’m going to work hard at it. I’m not very good at math, but Wei Fang says she’s going to help me. I think I can do better than last year.
  I like English very much. I always work hard at it. This year I’m going to do more speaking. Zhang Hong likes English too, but he needs help. I’m going to help him.
  This term I’m going to work for the wall-newspaper. My classmates say I draw well, and my handwriting is good. It’s interesting work, and I like it.

  I’m going to do my best this year.


Zhang Hong: It’s Sunday tomorrow, you know. What are you going to do?
Wang Lin: I’m going to watch a volleyball match in the Capital Stadium. It’s between a Japanese team and a Chinese team.
Zhang Hong: That’s great. What time is it going to be?
Wang Lin: At four o’clock in the afternoon. I have two tickets here. I can let you have one. You want to go, don’t you?
Zhang Hong: Of course I do, but I can’t. We’re going to have a table tennis match tomorrow afternoon.
Wang Lin: I see. Who are you going to play?
Zhang Hong: A team from the No. 7 Middle School.
Wang Lin: Where are you going to have the match?
Zhang Hong: At the Children’s Palace. By the way, where’s Li Ping, do you know?
Wang Lin: He’s at home. Why?
Zhang Hong: He’s got my bat. I must get it back from him.
Wang Lin: His home isn’t far from here. I think you can find him at home.
Zhang Hong: Right. I’d better go and look for him now. See you later.
Wang Lin: See you later.


 It’s four o’clock in the afternoon. Liu Ying is at the library. She’s going to borrow some books. She’s speaking to the assistant.

Liu Ying: Good afternoon!
Assistant: Good afternoon! Can I help you?
Liu Ying: Do you have From Earth to Moon?
Assistant: Let me see... Ah, here it is.
Liu Ying: Thank you. How long may I keep it?
Assistant: Two weeks.
Liu Ying: Can I keep it a little longer?
Assistant: Yes, you can. But you must come and renew it if you can’t finish it in time.
Liu Ying: Must I bring the book back for that?
Assistant: Yes, you must. And you mustn’t lend it to others.
Liu Ying: All right, I won’t. May I look at some of the new books?
Assistant: Certainly. They’re over there.

  Mrs. Black: Hello!
  Mary: Hello! May I speak to John?
  Mrs. Black: Sorry, John isn’t in.
  Mary: Is that Mrs. Black speaking?
  Mrs. Black: Yes. Who’s that?
  Mary: This is Mary, Mrs. Black. I called at four thirty this afternoon, but nobody was in.
  Mrs. Black: Oh, we were all out. John wasn’t back home then. Mr. Black and I were at the cinema. Can I take a message for John?
  Mary: Yes, please. John asked me to help him with his lessons this evening. I’m afraid I can’t do that today. Mother is ill. I have to look after her at home.
  Mrs. Black: I’m sorry to hear that. Just stay at home and take good care of your mother. Don’t worry about John. You can help him later, can’t you?
  Mary: Yes. Please tell John about it.
  Mrs. Black: OK.
  Mary: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye.
  Mrs. Black: Goodbye.


 Long, long ago there lived a king. He loved horses. One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse. The artist said, "All right, but you must wait." So the king waited. He waited and waited. At last, after a year he could not wait any longer. He went to see the artist himself.
 Quickly the artist brought out paper and a brush. In five minutes he finished drawing a very beautiful horse. The king was angry. "You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year. Why?"
 "Come with me, please." said the artist. They went to the artist’s workroom. There the king saw piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. "It took me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes." the artist said.


 More than one hundred years ago there was a great French scientist with the name Ampère.
 One day, Mr. Ampère went out for a walk in the street. There were a lot of people and much noise there. But all this was nothing to him. He was thinking of a math problem.  He had no paper with him. How could he work it out?
 Just then, he saw a blackboard in front of him. He ran up to it at once. He took out a piece of chalk and wrote his problem on the blackboard. Then he started to work on it. The blackboard moved a little, but he did not notice it. The blackboard moved on. Mr. Ampère moved with it. The blackboard started to move faster and faster. Mr. Ampère could not keep up with it any longer. He stopped to have a look.
 What did he see? Why, the "blackboard" was NOT a blackboard. It was the back of a carriage!


October 22nd, Saturday                                                                               Cloudy
 There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all went to the Summer Palace. They had a good time, but I didn’t go.
 After lunch Aunt Huang came in. She looked worried. "Grandma is ill," she said. "I must take her to the hospital. But my baby, ... I can’t leave her by herself."
 Mother and Dad were not at home. So I said, "Don’t worry. I can look after her."
 "Thank you, Xiao Ping. Thank you."
 The baby was about ten months old. At first she was asleep. Half an hour later she woke up. She couldn’t find her mother and began to cry. "Don’t cry," I said. I talked to her. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I turned on the radio. She topped crying and listened to the music. After a few minutes she started to cry again. "Listen to me," I said. I started to sing. The baby watched and listened. She didn’t cry any more. Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed and laughed.
 All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things. When Aunt Huang came back, I was so tired.
 In the evening Wang Lin came to see me. I told him the whole story. He laughed. "You’re great! I’m going to tell everyone. I’m going to tell them ‘Bring your babies to Li Ping. He can take good care of your babies.’"



  Son: Look, Dad! How bright and near the moon looks tonight!
  Father: But it isn’t as near as it looks.
  Son:  I know it’s far away from the earth.
  Father: It’s three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers away.
  Son: How far is that?
  Father: Well, it takes more than three days to get there by spaceship.
  Son: A spaceship flies very, very fast, doesn’t it?
  Father: Yes. It flies at about eleven kilometers a second. In 1969 two Americans got to the moon by spaceship. That was one of the most exciting moment of that year.
  Son: They didn’t find any living things there, did they?
  Father: No, they didn’t. It’s too hot in the day and too cold at night. Nothing can live on the moon.
  Son: I hear walking on the moon is more difficult. It’s like jumping and flying. Is that so?
  Father: Yes, isn’t that interesting! Everything is much lighter on the moon. You can jump much higher on the moon than on the earth.
  Son: I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day. It must be great fun.

 A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought: "I know a little English. I think people can understand me."
 One morning he went to visit the Science Museum. At noon he was tired and hungry. He went to the nearest restaurant and sat down at the table. He wanted to have a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him and asked, "Can I help you, sir?"
 "A cup of tea and ..."he could not remember the English word for eggs. He looked around him, but nobody was eating eggs.
 Then he saw a magazine on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock on its cover. He showed the picture to the waiter.
 "What’s the English for this?" he asked.
 "A cock, sir." answered the waiter.
 "What do you call a cock’s wife?" was the next question.
 "A hen, sir."
 "And what do you call a hen’s children?"
 "Chicks, sir."
 "And what do you call chicks before they’re born?"
 "Eggs, sir."
 "Very well," said the French student. "Bring me two eggs, two eggs and a cup of tea, please." And he sat back with a smile on his face.


Alice: Mum, look at my coat. It’s too short and too small. Will you buy me a new one?
Mrs. Green: All right. I’m just going out to do some shopping now. Come on, dear.
(They go into a shop for clothes.)
Shop Assistant: What can I do for you, madam?
M; I’m looking for a coat for my daughter.
S: Here, madam, here are coats for young people.
M: The red one on the right looks very nice, doesn’t it? Do you like it, dear?
A: No, Mum, I don’t like red very much. I like green better.
S: Green? Here’s a green one. How do you like this?
A: It’s nice, isn’t it, Mum?
M: Yes. How much is it?
S: Thirty pounds.
M: Thirty pounds? That’s too expensive, I’m afraid.
S: What about the one next to it? It’s cheaper. It’s only twenty pounds.
M: That’ll be all right. Alice, please try it on, will you>
A: Yes, Mum. (She tries it on.)
M: It looks a bit large. Have you a smaller size?
A: I think it’ll fit me before long, Mum. You’re always saying I’m growing so fast.
M: All right then. We’ll take it.


 One day two young men were going through the forest. One said to the other, "We’re good friends. We must help each other. If any beast comes at you, I’ll stay with you and help you." The other friend said, "I will help you too, if any beast comes at you."
 They walked on.
 After a while there was a great noise. It was a big bear. The young men ran away quickly. One of them got up into a tree. But the other was fat and could not climb up. So he threw himself at the foot of the tree. He thought to himself, "The bear will think that I am dead."
 Soon the bear came near. The bear looked at the fat young man, then it put its nose down and smelled him. The young man held his breath. The bear thought he was dead, so it went away.
 The man in the tree came down. With a smile he asked his friend, "The bear put its mouth so near to your ear. What did it say to you?"
 The friend answered, "The bear said, ‘Don’t trust your friend. He ran away from you when you needed his help most. Remember: A friend in need is a friend indeed.’"


 One morning Lenin was going to his office. At the gate a guard stopped him. "Your pass, please."
 "Oh, yes, my pass, "said Lenin. "It’s in one of my pockets." He began to look for it in his pockets.
 Just then a young man came up. This young man knew Lenin. He said to the guard: "Let him in."
 "No, I won’t let him in if he has no pass. What’s more, I want to see your pass, too."
 The young man became angry. "This is Comrade Lenin. Let him in, I tell you!" he shouted at the guard.
 "Don’t shout at him," Lenin told the young man. "He’s right. We must obey the rules!"
 Lenin found his pass and showed it to the guard. The guard looked at it carefully. Yes, it was Lenin himself.
 "I’m sorry." the guard said and his face and turned red. "I didn’t know it was you."
 "But you did the right thing," Lenin said. "You are a good comrade. You are strict in your work. We must all be strict in our work."


One afternoon some boys made a lot of noise in class. The teacher got angry. He kept them in the classroom after school. He told them to add all the numbers from 1 to 100 together.
 The boys  took out their exercise-books. All of them began to write the numbers down except one boy. He was new in the school. He looked out of the window for a few minutes. Then he wrote a number in his exercise-book and put up his hand.
 "May I go home, sir?" he asked. "I know the answer now."
 The teacher and the other boys were very surprised.
 "Bring it here," said the teacher.
 The boy took it to the teacher. The answer was right, so the teacher had to let the boy go home.
 The next morning, the teacher asked the boy, "How did you find the answer so quickly?"
 "Well, sir," he said, "I didn’t want to stay here long. So I tried my best to find the answer quickly. Soon I found it. You see, if you add 100 to 1, you get 101, and 99 and 2 is 101. 98 and 3 is 101 too, and when you reach 51 and 50, you have 101 fifty times. That is 5050."
 After this, when the teacher gave the class exercises to do, he gave this boy different exercises. The boy’s name was Karl F. Gauss. When he grew up, he became a great scientist.


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